May 4, 2021
The Shed, New York
Governors Island, New York
Latitude - Platform for Brazilian art galleries abroad, a partnership between Brazilian Association of Contemporary Art Galleries (ABACT) and Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil), is proud to support the participation of Brazilian galleries at Frieze New York and NADA House.
Latitude member galleries participating in Frieze New York May 5–9 are Galeria Nara Roesler (São Paulo / New York) and Mendes Wood DM (São Paulo / New York / Brussels). Galeria Nara Roesler offers the opportunity to see the work of three Brazilian artists that are not usually displayed together, creating new perspectives for the audience to engage with: Cristina Canale, Carlito Carvalhosa and Amelia Toledo. The selection presented offers an opportunity to understand how widely different practices have come to coincide in their attempts to capture and embody reflections of the self. Mendes Wood DM participates in Frieze New York with a remarkable selection of works by Solange Pessoa, Sonia Gomes, Rubem Valentim, Paulo Monteiro, Marina Perez Simão, Giangiacomo Rossetti, Maaike Schoorel, Wallace Pato, Paulo Nazareth, Matthew Lutz-Kinoy, Paloma Bosquê, Lynda Benglis, Sofia Borges and Neïl Beloufa.
Latitude also supports the participation of Fortes D’Aloia & Gabriel (São Paulo), Galeria Marilia Razuk (São Paulo), Galeria Nara Roesler (São Paulo / New York) Mendes Wood DM (São Paulo / New York / Brussels) at Frieze Viewing Room, which will run alongside the fair, May 5–14, 2021.
CASANOVA is the Latitude member gallery participating in NADA House, taking place between May 8 and August 1 and will feature an exhibition with Ignacio Gatica and Martin La Roche who will present an installation that showcases two interconnected bodies of work. Ignacio Gatica presents a group of collected watches, once used as propaganda for US presidential campaigns. They will be hacked to be ticking endlessly on a specific hour and the hours will be described on an adjacent wall text that narrates particular historical events where US intervention on the rest of the world, shifted dramatically the way we perceive the present. Martin La Roche will display a collection of multiple crosswords cut outs, forming a rectangular architecture on the floor. The display of a big number of crosswords created as pastimes in different languages and arranged within each other opens the possibility for the viewer to re-signify the crossword puzzles as a technology to measure the words and the meanings that surrounds us.
Brazilian galleries at international art fairs
Latitude has been proud to support the participation of its member galleries at selected international art fairs since the project was created in 2007. Support to galleries comes in the form of funding operational and promotional costs, depending on each gallery’s level of structure, internationalization and particular needs.
About Latitude
Latitude - Platform for Brazilian art galleries abroad is a programme developed to promote Brazil’s contemporary art market internationally. Created in 2007, in 2011 it became a partnership between Associação Brasileira de Arte Contemporânea - ABACT (Brazilian Association of Contemporary Art Galleries) and the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil) with the goal of creating business opportunities for the sector abroad, mainly through professional training, support for international placements and cultural and commercial promotion. As a requirement to become a member of ABACT, all participating galleries must work in the primary market. Currently nearly 60 galleries have opted to take part in the project. These galleries are located across seven different Brazilian states and represent more than 1000 contemporary artists.