Michael Raedecker
24 July – 03 October 2004
Salzburger Kunstverein
Hellbrunner Strasse 3, 5020 Salzburg
T. +43 662 8422940
office [at] salzburger-kunstverein.at
“There is no reality in painting. We know that by now, and have accepted that. Don’t trust any images, because they might not be true. All that painting can represent is an analogy, one that always needs to be reviewed and questioned in our ever-changing complex society… However, what remains important is that it communicates, without that there is no point, no understanding, and no dialogue,” says Michael Raedecker in the conversation with Hildegund Amanshauser printed in the catalogue of this exhibition.
The summer exhibition in the Salzburger Kunstverein presents the Dutch artist Michael Raedecker, born in 1963, living in London.
Michael Raedecker combines painting with the techniques of embroidery and applique in his work. He uses traditional genres, including still life and portraits as well as interiors and landscapes. The exhibition gives an overview on the artist’s most recent production.
Further information: www.salzburger-kunstverein.at
Funding support for the exhibition provided by the Mondriaan Foundation and the British Council.