End The Uncertainty!
Real Art Certification Board (RACB)
REAL ART – End The Uncertainty!
Questions about the nature of art have remained unanswered for millennia, making it difficult for us to know if the things we see, make, exhibit, sell or collect are real art or something else. But the uncertainty is finally over and the results are in: the key to real art lies in the genes.
Want to know more? Visit www.real-art.tv
Contact: info@real-art.tv
REAL ART Laboratories is the research division of the Real Art Certification Board (RACB), a U.S.-based, not-for-profit organization dedicated to the development of scientific techniques and methodologies designed to determine who is a real artist, and what is real art.
We offer personality and genetic testing designed to determine whether you are an artist. All you have to do is visit our website, take four simple tests and get a fast, accurate result that could change your life forever.
Take the REAL ART test at: www.real-art.tv
Everything about us comes down to genetics. Genetics play a crucial role in determining who will (or won’t) be an artist. In all great artists throughout the ages, certain combinations of genes have been the determining factor in making them so creative. Now, thanks to the wonders of technology, we can easily and accurately identify today who will become the great artists of tomorrow.
Using a proprietary analytic method developed in collaboration with leading international scientists, we are able to correlate your psychological profile with our database of genetic samples with 100% accuracy. This breakthrough state-of-the-art procedure allows us to offer our unique and highly accurate service to the general public. All you have to do is complete our simple REAL ART test today to find out if you or someone you know is a bona fide REAL artist.
Visit our site and find out if you or someone you know are REAL ARTISTS.
If the REAL ART test certifies that you are a REAL ARTIST, you will never have to spend another dime on other people’s art again – you can make it yourself.
Take the REAL ART test at: www.real-art.tv
STOP before you buy that painting! STOP before you include that sculpture in your next art exhibit! Instead, put the authors to the test! E-mail us a list of artists you want certified and within 48 hours we’ll e-mail you back whether they’re just “artists” or REAL ARTISTS! Wouldn’t you rather know that the work you buy or pick was made by a certified REAL ARTIST?
REAL ART – End The Uncertainty!
Visit us at: www.real-art.tv
Research has been made possible in cooperation with the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Gulbenkian Institute of Science and Rockefeller University.