Soyoung Yoon Read Bio Collapse
Soyoung Yoon is Director of Parsons Fine Arts MFA at Parsons School of Design and Assistant Professor of Art History & Visual Studies at Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts, The New School. Yoon received her PhD from Stanford University and holds a BA from Seoul National University; she was also a Faculty at the Whitney Museum of American Art’s Independent Study Program (ISP) till 2023. Yoon’s research offers a sustained inquiry into the politics of mobility and rhetorics of testimony, witnessing, and storytelling in relation to the moving image. Yoon is especially attentive to how art participates in capital’s “expropriation of the senses”: the creation of productive and unproductive bodies, of new capacities and incapacities of perception and experience. Yoon is currently in the process of completing two monographs: Walkie Talkie on the rise of cinéma vérité amid anti-colonial struggles, new techniques of policing, and the new technological capacity for sync sound; and TV Buddhas on theories of suture and narrative, surveillance, and the body politic. A new book on the mattress as an artistic motif, A Mattress is Not a Bed, is in production.