Isaac Julien’s Ten Thousand Waves at Linda Pace Foundation

Isaac Julien’s Ten Thousand Waves at Linda Pace Foundation

Linda Pace Foundation

Isaac Julien, Red Chamber Dream (Ten Thousand Waves), 2010.
Image courtesy of Isaac Julien Studio.
February 10, 2012

February 17–June 30, 2012

114 Camp Street
San Antonio, TX
Hours by appointment

Private view and conversation with the artist:
February 17, 2012, 6–9pm
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The Linda Pace Foundation presents a special three-screen edition of Isaac Julien’s TEN THOUSAND WAVES from February 17–June 30, 2012.

TEN THOUSAND WAVES was filmed on location in China and poetically weaves together stories linking China’s ancient past and present. The work explores the movement of people across countries and continents and meditates on unfinished journeys. Conceived and created over four years, Julien collaborated with some of China’s leading artistic voices, including: the legendary siren of Chinese cinema Maggie Cheung; rising star of Chinese film Zhao Tao; poet Wang Ping; master calligrapher Gong Fagen; artist Yang Fudong; acclaimed cinematographer Zhao Xiaoshi; and a 100-strong Chinese cast and crew. The original musical score is by Julien’s fellow East Londoner Jah Wobble and the Chinese Dub Orchestra, as well as contemporary classical composer Maria de Alvear.

“The original inspiration for TEN THOUSAND WAVES was the Morecambe Bay tragedy of 2004, in which 23 Chinese cockle-pickers died,” says Julien. “The work links the Shanghai of the past and present, symbolizing the Chinese transition towards modernity, aspiration and affluence—the so-called ‘Better Life.’ I employed the visual language of ghost stories, with recurrent figures and images appearing and disappearing.”

TEN THOUSAND WAVES crosses the boundaries of past and present, fiction and reality, and feature film and documentary. Connecting social, psychological, aesthetic, mythic, and spiritual dimensions, Julien engages the viewer with poetic beauty while encouraging the critical inquiry of Western-centric cultural globalization.

The exhibition will be inaugurated with a special event, a conversation between Isaac Julien and Steven Evans, Linda Pace Foundation Executive Director and Curator, on Friday, February 17, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. at the Foundation’s private exhibition space in San Antonio.

The exhibition Isaac Julien TEN THOUSAND WAVES is organized by the Linda Pace Foundation, with special thanks to Isaac Julien and the Isaac Julien Studio. To view the exhibition, please contact the Linda Pace Foundation through its website

For more information about the work TEN THOUSAND WAVES and its supporters, please visit

Isaac Julien has worked in the area of moving image for over twenty-five years. He was born in 1960 in London, England, where he currently resides and works. He has received numerous awards and accolades, including a nomination for the Turner Prize in 2001, the Frameline Lifetime Achievement Award in 2002, and the Aurora Award in 2005. Julien’s work incorporates different artistic disciplines, drawing from and commenting on film, dance, photography, music, theatre, painting and sculpture, uniting them to create a unique poetic visual language in audio-visual film installations.

He dedicates the three-screen U.S. premiere of TEN THOUSAND WAVES to “Linda Pace, her work, and her artistic vision.” Julien writes, “the work is a memorial for the 23 Chinese cocklepickers who died in Morecambe Bay, and also about remembering the legacy of Linda Pace. About how Art can uniquely remember Life.”

The Linda Pace Foundation supports the charitable vision of its founder in multiple ways. It makes substantial annual grants to support the operation of Artpace, which she founded in 1995. It maintains CHRISpark, a one-acre park at 111 Camp Street that Pace built in memory of her son. Additionally, the Foundation is the owner and steward of Pace’s contemporary art collection, which contains over 500 works and continues to expand. Recent acquisitions include works by Margarita Cabrera, Susan Philipsz, and Dario Robleto. Finally, the Foundation supports the work of contemporary artists through its acquisitions, programs, and funding.

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Linda Pace Foundation
February 10, 2012

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