Application deadline: March 6, 2017
Henry Moore Institute
74 The Headrow
The Henry Moore Institute is a world-recognised centre for the study of sculpture. We host a year-round programme of exhibitions, conferences and lectures, as well as developing research and publications, to expand the understanding and scholarship of historical and contemporary sculpture.
Each year we offer a number of Fellowships to enable researchers of different backgrounds and disciplines to develop their work. Visiting Research Fellowships are intended for artists, scholars and curators working on historic and contemporary sculpture who can make particular use of the Institute’s resources: our Research Library, Archive of sculptors’ papers and the Leeds sculpture collections.
Up to four Research Fellows will be given the opportunity to spend a month in Leeds. In addition we will support up to two six-week Senior Fellowships, which are intended to give established scholars time and space to develop a research project free from usual work commitments.
Both Fellowships provide accommodation, travel expenses and a per diem.
For more information on the Henry Moore Institute Visiting Research Fellowships visit our website.
To apply for either Fellowship forward a letter of application, a 750-word research proposal, that also indicates how you will use our resources, and a CV by Monday, March 6, 2017 to Corinne Painter, Research Programme Assistant, [email protected].