“On the Migrant Image”: 27 May
“Performing Resistance: A Seminar on Art, Academism and Activism”: 29 May
“Trust and Dialogue”: 3–4 June
Valand Academy
University of Gothenburg
Vasagatan 50
“On the Migrant Image”
27 May,17:30–19:30h
Presenters: Daniel Baker (UK), Geir Tore Holm (Sámi/Norway) Paula Urbano (Sweden), and (moderator) Louise Wolthers (Denmark).
Context: The seminar will focus on the (re)construction of different notions on the migrant image through artistic research, and how such artistic practices potentially re-define “otherness.”
Screening: Paula Urbano’s latest film Flyktingen av den sorgliga skepnaden (2015) will be screened at the aula, Valand Academy, from noon, starting every hour until the seminar begins.
Convenor: This public seminar is organised by Kjell Caminha as part of a research initiation project award from Valand Academy of Arts.
Venue: Valand Academy of Arts, Vasagatan 50, Gothenburg.
Booking a place: Attendance is free but places are limited, please sign-up by email to [email protected]
“Performing Resistance: A Seminar on Art, Academism and Activism”
29 May, 18:30–23h
Speakers: Include Prof. Andrea Phillips, Gregory Sholette, Jess Baines and performance by Psychic Warfare.
Context: Is it possible to resist the forces of our current financial system from the artist position? Is it possible that the work of art can avoid being taken hostage and used for decorating and legitimating the very forces that it aims to oppose? What actually constitutes political activism? Can new ways to perform resistance be produced? How can the institution be politically useful in our present situation? The struggle to overcome the obstacle that working within the academic institution constitutes, and to actualize political agency, is a dilemma that politically engaged artists share with practitioners from several areas within social science and the humanities. This public seminar will provide a space of dialogue between these different fields on the question of resistance.
Convenor: Organised by Prof. Annika Lundgren as part of her ongoing research on the question of combining artistic work undertaken within the institution with political commitment today.
Venues: Skogen, Masthuggsterrassen 3, and Valand Academy of Arts, Vasagatan 50, Gothenburg.
Booking a place: Attendance is free but places are limited, please sign-up on our website.
“Trust and Dialogue”
3 June, 9:30–17:30h, 4 June: 9–noon
Speakers: (Keynote) Prof. Rosalyn Deutsche, Barnard College, Columbia University (US); Annie Fletcher, Senior Curator, Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven (Netherlands); Lisa Le Feuvre, Head of Sculpture Studies, Henry Moore Institute, Leeds, (UK); Livia Paldi, Director of BAC–Baltic Art Center, (Sweden); Esther Shalev-Gerz, artist and former Professor of Fine Art, Valand Academy, University of Gothenburg, (France); Annika Wik, independent researcher, (Sweden); and others.
Context: Over three years, through an artistic research grant from the Swedish Research Council, Valand Academy Prof. Esther Shalev-Gerz led on a ground-breaking project interrogating the generative interdependencies of trust and dialogue within contemporary Fine Art practice. The question of trust and dialogue will be interrogated as arising in a number of critical junctures: the legitimacy of institutions; the viability of public culture; and the ethics of participatory processes; and as an extended question of form and aesthetics. This symposium follows from the related exhibition, Describing Labor (2012) commissioned and produced by The Wolfsonian–Florida International University and the anthology, Esther Shalev-Gerz: The Contemporary Art of Trusting Uncertainties and Unfolding Dialogues edited by Jason E. Bowman with contributions by: Stefanie Baumann, Jason E. Bowman, George Didi-Huberman, Lisa Le Feuvre, Andrea Phillips, Jacques Rancière, Jacqueline Rose, Esther Shalev-Gerz, Annika Wik and James E. Young.
Convenor: Organised by Jason E. Bowman, Director of the Masters in Fine Art, Valand Academy.
Venues: Valand Academy of Arts, Vasagatan 50, Gothenburg.
Booking: Attendance is free but places are limited, please sign up on our website.
Contact: Paulin Nande, [email protected]