A documentary film by Igor Sopronenko
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Zimmerli Art Museum
Rutgers University,
71 Hamilton Street,
New Brunswick, New Jersey
The film is followed by a roundtable discussion on nonconformist and contemporary Russian art, and issues of freedom and censorship. The participants include film director Igor Sopronenko, artists Vitaly Komar and Victor Skersis, and Moscow art critic Andrei Erofeev. The moderator is Jane Sharp, research curator of the Dodge Collection.Parking: Free parking is available immediately behind the museum (LOT#16) and in the Kirkpatrick Chapel lot across from the Zimmerli (entrance is located at the corner of George and Somerset Streets – LOT #1). Additional parking can also be found in the parking lot near the corner of Mine Street and College Avenue (entrance is located on College Avenue – LOT #8).
Special arrangements: Bus from NYC and back. Bus leaves at 4:00pm from Penn Station, NY (by the green awning: 31st Street between 7th & 8th Avenues).
Return trip: bus leaves at 8:15pm from Zimmerli Art Museum.
Fee is 15 USD per person with advance reservations (http://www.zimmerlimuseum.rutgers.edu/file/Credit_card_payment_form_for_11-10-10.pdf); 20 USD on location if space is available.
This program is supported by the Avenir Foundation Endowment Fund.