In a critical panorama where energetic efficient buildings fail to match contemporary architectural concepts, ars09berlin – the summer academy for architecture, reurbanization and sustainability of the University of Applied Sciences Berlin – offers the opportunity to rethink the existing city under sustainable values. EXPERIMENT TRANSIT is a program aiming the issue of reorganizing and restructuring the urban fabric of the city.
As part of the University of Applied Sciences, where technological research and multidisciplinary working methods are carried out together, technical support from renamed experts on sustainable development field will be offered for the students. A combination of an architectural and urban design studio along with lectures of renowned capacities of the field will set up the frame to create ideas and strategies for the sustainable development of the site.
Urban planers, architects, designers, historians, engineers and critics will bring forth lines of perspective and open up the debate, rethinking the role of energy waste in contemporary design. Speakers like Fritz Reusswig from the Potsdam Institute of Climate Impact Research, Thomas Lechner from Transsolar, Berlin Architects dealing with public interaction like Raumlabor and members of the winning Solar Decathlon team will be part of the team.
The airfield of Tempelhof Airport, inside Berlin’s beltway, was shut down in October 2008. The size of the airfield, the economical and demographics situation call for different means of revitalizing this area. The challenge is unprecedented; other redevelopment procedures for the center of Berlin after reunification can’t keep up with it and no investor is offering any idea.
As a result, only time appears to be part of the solution. However, in most parts of Berlin, spontaneous urban users have achieved more suitable solutions rather than top-down development could ever accomplish; offering opportunities to individuals taking on their initiative and living their dreams instead of over imposing authoritarian plans.
As a whole method, rather than looking at one solution, we do investigate scenarios. We consider scenarios as tools to explore future – or even different possible futures. This approach allows us to focus on critical uncertainties.
Starting with fieldtrips to explore similar situations and to get familiar with the city of Berlin, this program offers an academic environment for learning in an international context, referencing different cultural backgrounds to new perspectives, fostering intercultural understanding.
This year the summer academy for architecture, reurbanization and sustainability, ars09berlin will take place from May 30th to July 2nd. Due to academic schedules the deadline for applications of international architecture and urban design students is postponed to 15th May. Applicants interested on alternative strategies for the city and reuse of derelict urban sites, open for creative solutions with skills on developing new approaches are highly encouraged to participate.
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