For the first time a great company, UniCredit Group, engaged for a long time in the promotion of contemporary art, rises the art experience to the attention of the economic world, through its
Annual Report.
The Report of the year 2007, recently approved by the Assembly of the Group, operating in 23 countries and with representatives in 50, will be published in millions of copies in the world.
“The cultural dimension – says Alesandro Profumo, CEO UniCredit Group – offers an extraordinary patrimony of experiences in order to explore, experiment, know, look ahead and therefore innovate. Only in the places where culture is considered a strategic resource can be produced and shared new ideas, essential for a social and economic sustainable development”.
The pictures that illustrate the publication are taken from several collective happenings, realised by the most active UniCredit Group’s partner in the field of eduntainment: Education Department Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, that has been operating for more than twenty years on an international level, in a borderless territory, thanks to the projects promoted by the Regione Piemonte and by several institutional subjects.
The methodology has been inspired by the principle Educate to art with art and favours the contemporary creativity knowledge, integrating it in the collective life and trusting in its power to ignite the imagination and stimulate the critical thought.
The Education Department of Castello of Rivoli, supported by Unicredit Group, is European leader in the field of educational experimentation, directed to every age public: a supremacy that has been confirmed with the award of two international prizes and the exclusive invitation, from the Centre Pompidou of Paris, to open the Fi’Art Festival International d’Art pour jeune public 2007, with the activation of a global network of outstanding museums in the educative function domain.
Beetween the different services proposed to the public by the Education Department there are guided visits at Castello of Rivoli, workshops, pluriennal projects, schools and public administrations agreements, formation courses, workshops for university students, lectures, exhibitions for children, art week-ends for families and Free Time Universities and formation activities to the Team Building as the one recently realized for UniCredit Group. The heart of each proposed activity is the person in its totality with the body ability – mind, senses, knowledges, identity and difference – to live plurisensorial and sinesthetical experiences. They can be shared by thousands of people during collective events that show how contemporary art favours the relational and cognitive skills, generating positive energy and favouring the intercultural dialogue.
Education Department Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea
Tel. 39 011 9565213, fax 39 011 9565232. E-mail [email protected] –
Progetto UniCredit & Art [email protected]
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