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Our environment can be envisioned as a series of concentric circles starting at our skin and expanding outward to our familial relationships, our home, our neighborhood, our city, our culture, our country, our planet, and our universe. The sixteen artists graduating with their Master of Fine Arts degrees from Brooklyn College are not content to be mere products of their physical and social climates; each engages with and responds directly to his or her surroundings in work that is at times subtle, at times incisive, and often quite personal.
For the past two years, these students have studied in an educational environment intended to isolate them from the commercial art world and foster their artistic growth. Brooklyn College’s MFA program is designed to help artists cultivate their vision as they prepare to present it to the larger world. This exhibition is that world’s first chance to see the fruits of their labors as these artists break through one circle on their trajectory outwards.
These sixteen artists all display a common spirit of engagement with life: a willingness to seize their situation and its unique vantage point and use their artwork to make meaning out of it. There are many differences between the work of these artists, but they all share the energy, talent and ambition to respond to their environment, however they may define it, with intelligence and artistic vision.
-from “Environmental Responses” by Jennifer Dalton
For more information go to: http://www.brooklynmfa.com