Terminal degree (MFA, MS, MA, PhD) in electronic visualization or equivalent required.
College level teaching experience with demonstrated commitment to undergraduate and graduate education.
Strong professional/research record in art or design with emphasis on real-time interactive graphics and/or virtual reality. Experience in graphics programming languages as well as interactive media theory and practice.
General Information
The computer art and design experience in both undergraduate and graduate Electronic Visualization programs focuses on real-time and interactive computer graphics, utilizing both programming languages and software packages. The undergraduate program is taught in the collaborative Design Visualization Laboratory (DVL) sharing resources with Industrial Design and Graphic Design. The graduate program operates out of the world renowned Electronic Visualization Laboratory, which is a shared facility of the School of Art and Design and the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. The Electronic Visualization program is also interested in developing curriculum in the areas of computational design, museum exhibit design, game design, and location-based entertainment.
Application Procedure
Complete applications must include a letter of intent not more than one page, a resume with exhibition/publication record, a list of three references (including phone and e-mail), and documentation of visual work (preferred formats: DVD and/or CD ROM in standard web formats of VHS (NTSC) video tape). Web sites will also be reviewed when appropriate. An index of the visual documentation with project descriptions and applicant’s role in any collaboration should accompany the application.
Please send to:
Chair, Electronic Visualization Search Committee
School of Art and Design (M/C 036)
The University of Illinois at Chicago
929 West Harrison Street
Chicago, Illinois 60607-7038
See http://www.uic.edu/aa/artd/teach_pos_ev.html for complete information on the position.
For fullest consideration applications must be submitted by February 1, 2005. Review of applications will continue until position is filled. The University of Illinois is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.