June 19, 2017
Villa Carpegna
Circonvallazione Aurelia 72
00165 Rome
T +39 06 977 4531
Applications deadline (pre-selection phase): June 19, 2017 (12am)
quadriennalediroma [at] pec.it
The Rome Quadriennale Foundation is Italy’s premier visual arts institution for Italian contemporary art. Our headquarters are at Villa Carpegna, a historical villa close to the Vatican, but our public program is usually held at Palazzo delle Esposizioni or Galleria Nazionale d’arte Moderna. Our activity is oriented towards documenting the latest trends in visual arts and fostering the production of the younger generations of artists. Our public programme consists of an extensive series of cultural events including temporary exhibitions, lectures, seminars, conferences, book launches, publications, research services.
Job description, duration, salary
We are seeking an Artistic Director who will have responsibility for planning the Foundation’s programme for the three year period 2018-2020. He/she is expected to provide strategic and conceptual direction for our cultural activity. The position will run from January 2018 and does not exclude the successful candidate from carrying out activities in other roles. The salary for this position will be 60,000 EUR per annum including VAT. Expenses incurred in fulfilling the duties of Artistic Director may be reimbursed subject to prior authorization from the Foundation and on presentation of the appropriate receipts.
Role and responsibilities
–development of the Foundation programme for the three-year period 2018–2020, specifying the types of activity, content, main people involved and the promotions and communications strategy, all in compliance with the guidelines and management limitations established by the Foundation
–collaborating with the President’s Office and the General Management in maintaining relationships with external stakeholders
–collaborating with the General Management in determining the budget of individual initiatives and in setting up co-production and/or sponsorship projects aimed at successfully managing the budget
–managing relationships with curators and artists involved in the preparation of the individual initiatives
–writing texts for catalogues, publications and information and promotional material about the initiatives
–taking part in meetings where necessary
–participating in public presentations
The position will entail providing a service in complete operational autonomy and without any subordination constraints, regulated in accordance with current legislation.
The Artistic Director will be selected through a call for applications whose pre-selection phase will close on June 19, 2017, 12am.
For an application package, visit: Rome Quadriennale Foundation