April 22–May 14, 2017
Opening: April 21, 6–9pm
Pfizer Building
630 Flushing Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11206
April 21 will bring the unveiling of eight curatorial projects presented by the MA Curatorial Practice program at the School of Visual Arts. The breadth of these projects reflects our range of concerns as citizens of a contemporary world entering a new period of political crisis, technological disruption, and environmental danger, while the artists joining with us in our thinking and production as curators bring extraordinary, inspirational energy to the tasks at hand. The professional training undergone in our program—including everything from case-study curatorial seminars with professional curators of great distinction and experience as faculty; workshops in exhibition and lighting design, grant-writing, and writing; weekly meetings with curators from across the globe; and international internships at many of the world’s leading institutions—comes to fruition in these year-end exhibitions open to the public in dynamic spaces in Brooklyn, Manhattan, and online. (Rolling admissions to our program are open and we are competitive in funding with other curatorial programs in the US. Click here to learn more about the program.)
herehereAll projects, unless otherwise indicated, will take place at the Pfizer Building, 630 Flushing Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11206. Opening April 21, 6–9pm; open by appointment April 22 to May 14. Free and open to the public!
Enfolding and Unfolding: Geometric Abstraction in Motion, with artists Himat Mohammed Ali, Ghassan Ghaib, Samia Halaby and the Kinetic Painting Group (Hasan Bakr and Kevin Nathaniel Hylton), and curated by Sanna Almajedi, challenges hegemonic Western dictation of the terms of abstraction and offers an Arab consideration of the geometric. More here.
Enfolding and Unfolding: Geometric Abstraction in MotionEnfolding and Unfolding: Geometric Abstraction in MotionMore hereMore herePre-Future: Examining the Post-Contemporary, with artists Morehshin Allahyari, Zach Blas, Cybertwee, Tabita Rezaire, and Fannie Sosa, curated by Valerie Amend, an online project, offers a speculative temporality predicated on accelerated economies and preemptive political patterns that threaten individual freedoms and the repression of an emancipatory cosmopolitanism. More here.
Pre-Future: Examining the Post-ContemporaryPre-Future: Examining the Post-ContemporaryMore hereMore herecontinuums (time beyond lifetimes), with artists Bianca Abarca + Ally Hoffmann, Hugo Brégeau, Julian Charrière, Mark Dion, Dylan Gauthier, Mathias Kessler, Araya Rasdjarmrearnsook, smudge studio, and Anna Zett, and curated by Patrick Jaojoco, is an intersectional exhibition of geological, cultural, and biological histories viewed in light of the evisceration of truth standards today. More here.
continuums (time beyond lifetimes)continuums (time beyond lifetimes)More hereMore hereForm of Touch, with artists Cynthia Alberto, Colette Aliman, Yasunari Izaki, Elizabeth Jaeger, Leeza Meksin, Courtney Puckett, Brie Ruais, and Martha Tuttle, and curated by Becky Nahom, considers craft in the contemporary artistic arena post the Duchampian dialectic between skill and deskill, matter and the immaterial, and as a haptic reappraisal of Merlau-Ponty’s phenomenology. More here.
Form of TouchForm of TouchMore hereMore hereE//COU//TERS, with artists Angelina Dreem, Richard Kennedy, Whitney Vangrin + Minho Nukem, and Jaimie Warren, curated by Vera Petukhova, is a zone of live performance confronting, reconsidering, and aligning with alien-ness through fictive narratives and an ongoing Brechtian interest in the disturbance and disruption in the critical space between audience and performer. More here.
E//COU//TERSE//COU//TERSMore hereMore hereLife in the Conditional, with artists Ryan Oskin, Sánchez-Kane, Heecheon Kim, Vanessa Castro, María José Crespo, and Anouk Kriuthof, and curated by Jovanna Venegas, examines the explosive disarray of our contemporary sociopolitics through the lens of Victor Turner’s anthropological framing of liminality and ritual behavior. More here.
Life in the ConditionalLife in the ConditionalMore hereMore hereThe Map Is Not the Territory, with artists Brittany Cassell, Kate Gilmore, Martine Guitierrez, Ann Hamilton, Camille Lee, Anh Thuy Nguyen, Helene Nymann, Bita Razavi, Melanie Reese, and Roberto Vega, and curated by Lux Yuting Bai, Piper Ross Ferriter, Jacqueline Kok, Noelia Lecue, Amanda Lee, Jasa McKenzie, Birdie Piccininni, and Natalia Viera Salgado under the direction of Sarah Demeuse, is an exhibition examining the construction of representation through socially and lawfully imposed, arbitrary boundaries. More here.
The Map Is Not the TerritoryThe Map Is Not the TerritoryMore hereMore hereOn April 27, at Paddles, 250 West 26th Street, New York, NY 10001, 7pm–midnight, RSVP required:
Sexual Fragments Absent, with artists Doreen Garner, Shawné Michaelain Holloway, and Tiona McClodden, and curated by Ikechukwu Casmir Onyewuenyi, features the work of three black women whose practices are invested in the politics of race, sex, and the affective reverb within BDSM between pleasure and pain, present and past. More here.
Sexual Fragments AbsentSexual Fragments AbsentMore hereMore here
School of Visual Arts
MA Curatorial Practice
132 West 21st Street, 10th floor
New York, NY 10011