Application deadline: April 30, 2017
HKU University of the Arts Utrecht
Ina Boudier-bakkerlaan 50
3582 VA Utrecht
The Netherlands
Fine Art opens windows on the visual world by mapping a broad spectrum of phenomena and attitudes connected to that visual world—and to life itself.
The MA in Fine Art and Design, programme Fine Art in Utrecht is a two-year, full-time English language course. Besides traditional Fine Art forms such as painting, sculpture and photography, the programme focuses on transmedial forms of visual expression and thinking. These include media art, performative art, spatial practice, critical studies, artistic research and curatorial practice.
We focus on art production (making) in relation to the topical debate (thinking) within the field of art and the questions that the today’s world presses on us. The programme consists of seminars, workshops, studios and tutorials, in which artists, architects, curators, and various theorists share their knowledge, creativity and professional insights with Fine Art students.
The curriculum consists of four semesters with different focal points: Studio Practice, Spatial Practice, Curatorial Practice, and Curatorial Project. Parallel to this runs a discursive programme with a focus on Critical Studies, Concept Development, Artistic Research and Research Essay.
This integrated curriculum is intersected five times a year by a number of intense seminar weeks. These take place in the context of BAK, a research institute for the contemporary and exhibition platform and our collaborative partner institute in Utrecht.
BAKThe MA programme Fine Art is concluded with a curated final presentation. For this professional exhibition we work with leading curators. Recent curators include a.o. Christina Li, Natasha Ginwala, Markus Miessen andMarion von Osten.
This MA programme was previously known as MaHKU and as such, has a rich 12-year history. Since its start in 2004, students from 45 different countries have studied in the programme. Over the past decade MaHKU played a leading role in the debate about the role and position of artistic research and developed a series of significant collaborations and platforms.
MaHKUAs of September 1, 2017 it continues in a new guise as a two-year programme of the new HKU Master of Fine Art and Design. What stays the same is our international orientation and our focus on the topical debate about Fine Art, Curatorial Practice and Research.
Lecturers include a.o. Lara Almarcegui, Tiong Ang, Jeremiah Day, Maria Hlavajova, Jan Kaila, Annette Krauss, Geert Lovink, Falke Pisano, Liza May Post, Domeniek Ruyters, Janwillem Schrofer, Henk Slager (course director), Mick Wilson, and Edwin Zwakman.
The MA programme is open to candidates who have a bachelor degree in a relevant discipline.
Programme information: HKU MA programme Fine Art
HKU MA programme Fine ArtHKU MA programme Fine ArtContact: Jessica de Schipper (Coordinator), [email protected]
[email protected][email protected]