September 19, 2017–January 7, 2018
Piazza Mafalda di Savoia
10098 Rivoli Turin
Hours: Wednesday–Friday 10am–5pm,
Saturday–Sunday 11am–6pm
T +39 011 956 5222
Drafted by Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev and Marianna Vecellio
Nietzsche was not old / when one day while / walking the piazza / he saw a Horse / being beaten / badly by a horseman / it was so badly / beaten the horse / fell on the floor / Nietzsche ran to / rescue the horse he / fell as he assisted / cried the police arrived / and led him to the police / station on Pò street, / eventually, he returned / to his room, where he / stripped naked and went / into frenzy into a dance / of Dionysian nature, he / proclaimed that he was / Jesus on the cross, and he / took over his kingdom, / by putting the Pope into / prison and the / Kaiser of Germany. The landlady / heard the / sound of his / room, called his mother / who took him / to a sanatorium / and then home / that where he / died his / sister / Elizabeth / took / care / of him / it is possible / that his / “catatonic” state / was a way to reign / the world. He / played and composed / music during / these years / before he died / He was obsessed of / Eagles mating / Lambs, possibly / he was the Lamb.
–Anna Boghiguian, 2017
The exhibition will be presented at the Sharjah Art Foundation of Sharjah (UAE) from March 16 to June 16, 2018, curated by Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev and Hoor Al Qasimi