Application deadline: October 16, 2017, 12pm
The deadline to submit applications for the 2018–19 Samuel H. Kress Foundation & Association of Art Museum Curators (AAMC) Foundation Affiliated Fellowship at the American Academy in Rome (AAR) is approaching. The Fellowship awards one curator to continue developing a project requiring research in Italy during a four-week appointment at the American Academy in Rome. During their time at the AAR, the awarded Fellow will have 24/7 access to the library and other research materials, as well as opportunities to take advantage of the surrounding cities, such as Milan, Florence, and Naples.
In its fifth year, the Fellowship gives priority to those without funds to support research travel, and is open to AAMC members in good standing. All application materials are due by Monday, October 16, 2017 at 12pm ET. For more information about the Fellowship, and to download the application, visit the AAMC website.