Av. Figueroa Alcorta 7350
Buenos Aires
The Programa de Artistas of the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella in Buenos Aires is a year-and-a-half program that provides visual artists, critics, and curators with an intensive experience in which to reflect on and produce contemporary art.
The tenth edition of the program has three fundamental features:
–A group of approximately eighteen artists and six curators/critics studying together. The aim of this coexistence is to provide a unique opportunity for exchange whereby the practices and positions pivotal to the arts are explored critically in the framework of an intense and shared experience of collaboration.
–The Program includes, in the first year, two central group seminars: one geared to reflection on the work of each participant; and one reading seminar on various topics pertinent to current artistic production in a broader cultural, philosophical and social context. In the third semester (March–June 2019), the group will work on a final exhibition project.
–The Program’s faculty includes professors from Buenos Aires and abroad. In 2018, the faculty will consist of Carlos Huffmann, Valentina Liernur, Diego Bianchi, Santiago García Navarro, and Mónica Giron. Visiting artists will include Leandro Katz, Lucrecia Martel, and Marcia Schvartz, among others. Recent visiting professors include Maria Lind, Tobías Ostrander, Juan Gaitán, Lars Bang Larsen, Martí Manen, Raimundas Malasauskas, Santiago Sierra, Sofía Hernández Chong Cuy, Sergio Muñoz Sarmiento, Bruce Altshuler, Chus Martínez, and Cuauhtémoc Medina.
Important information
All courses are in Spanish
Approximately 18 artists and 6 critics/curators
Applicants are selected by a faculty committee. There are no specific requirements or limitations in terms of area of background; the Program is open to participants from all areas of the arts.
In the interest of making the program accessible to a broad range of individuals from Argentina and abroad, tuition is subsidized by the University.
The Programa de Artistas provides participants with a group studio space (for the first year); access to the University’s library; access to the archives of the Instituto Di Tella; equipment for video editing; and access to a carpentry workshop (upon request). Parallel to the program, the Departamento de Arte organizes a Film Program, a series of exhibitions, lectures, and symposia geared toward furthering exchange with the wider art community.
The application deadline is February 19, 2018. Applications must be sent to posgradosditella [at] utdt.edu attaching a single PDF based in this model.
For further information, see our website or contact us at arte [at] utdt.edu.