Set Pieces

Set Pieces

Cardi Gallery London

William Leavitt, Moisturizers, 2008. Oil on canvas. 48 x 72.25 inches.
February 5, 2013

February 8–April 15 2013
Opening: Thursday, February 7, 6–9pm

Cardi Black Box
Corso di Porta Nuova
38 – 20121 Milano

T +39 02 45478189
F +39 02 45478120
gallery [​at​]

Cardi Black Box gallery announces Set Pieces, an exhibition curated by Andrew Berardini & Lauren Mackler. An exhibition in Milan of Los Angeles artists.

A note from the curators…
We are inviting four artists to build individual sets for which their work will serve as installations to host other artists’ works as well as their own.

This idea plays with the mythos of Los Angeles as a place where the imaginary often extrudes into reality and vice versa.

Visually, the different “sets,” so to speak, will be autonomous islands of light within an otherwise darkened space, to simulate a cinematic effect and the sense of being on a movie set. In many ways, we are inspired by the work of William Leavitt, who recently had a retrospective at MOCA here in Los Angeles, and whose work often uses plays and their stages to beautifully reveal the mundane theatricality of the city. He told us once that his plays were really elaborate frames for his paintings.

In these sets, there is no presumption of verisimilitude. They may look like a soap opera living room or a phantasmagoric alter-reality. This, as with all art, is up to the artists.

Sets by Sarah Cain, Liz Glynn, Samara Golden, and Mateo Tannatt.
Works from Scoli Acosta, Kathryn Andrews, Matthew Brannon, Mary Corse, Zoe Crosher, Aaron Curry,
Erik Frydenborg, Friedrich Kunath, Eli Langer, William Leavitt, Anthony Lepore, Carter Mull, Claire Nereim, Raymond Pettibon, and Amanda Ross-Ho.

General Information and sales:
Edoardo Osculati, Cardi Black Box, T +39 0245478189 / edoardo [​at​]

Media contacts:
Justin Conner, FITZ & CO, T 212 627 1455 x233 / justin [​at​]
Jenny Isakowitz, FITZ & CO, 212 627 1455 x254 / jenny [​at​]

RSVP for Set Pieces
Cardi Gallery London
February 5, 2013

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