Available now at the
MoMA Design Store:
Selected Editions from the
“Peter Norton Family
Christmas Art Projects”
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Mon-Sat, 10 am-8 pm; Sun 11 am-7 pm
Selected Editions from the
“Peter Norton Family Christmas Art Projects”
Each year since 1988, art collector, software entrepreneur, and MoMA trustee Peter Norton has commissioned an art edition to celebrate the Christmas season and holidays. Created by artists represented in the Nortons’ own collection, and sent as gifts to personal friends and members of the art community, these art objects are intended to foster engagement with the world of contemporary art.
Peter Norton has generously donated the remaining supply of these art objects to MoMA, with the proceeds designated to benefit P.S.1. These highly collectible works are available now at MoMAstore.org/Norton, and can be ordered at any MoMA Design Store location in New York or through customer service at (800) 447-6662. An example of each is on view at the MoMA Design Store’s Soho location (81 Spring Street, NYC). Quantities are limited.
SPECIAL OFFER: MoMA members SAVE 20% on the Peter Norton Family Christmas Art Projects. The discount is available at any location and will appear during checkout at MoMAstore.org.
Art objects available individually:
The Gospel Abridged (CD), Richard Kostelanetz, 1990
Untitled (Four Napkins), May Sun, 1990
Obscene is ? To Commemorate “A Day With (out) Art”, Daniel Joseph Martinez, 1990
III (Three Wishbones in a Wood Box), Lorna Simpson, 1994
Animai-no-bi (Ambiguous Beauty), Yasumasa Morimura, 1995
Oblique Strategies, Brian Eno/Pae White, 1996
Untitled (Wanderer Ashtray), Vik Muniz, 1999
Untitled (Peep Show), Anna Gaskell, 2001
Untitled (Dollhouse), Yinka Shonibare, 2002
Teacup, Robert Lazzarini, 2003
Untitled (Music Box), Christian Marclay, 2005
Untitled (Spiral, Pop-up Photo Album), Peter Coffin, 2006
A very limited number of “complete sets” is also available. These sets include the items above along with nine additional editions:
Untitled (Stereoscopic Slide Viewer), Mitchell Syrop, 1989
Untitled (Stars Don’t Stand Still in the Sky for Anyone pin), Lawrence Weiner, 1991
Untitled (NO IT CAN ASSESS AN ACTION wall template), Fred Fehlau, 1992
Untitled (Miniature Book), Luciano Perna, 1993
Freedom, a Fable: A Curious Interpretation of the Wit of a Negress in Troubled Times, Kara Walker, 1997
Untitled (Double-sided Blanket), Jim Hodges, 1998
Untitled (Medusa Plate), Vik Muniz, 1999
Untitled (Glass Bowl), Do Ho Suh, 2004
Cheshire Smile, Sanford Biggers, 2008