Global Academy II, Examples of Transcultural Exchange

Global Academy II, Examples of Transcultural Exchange

Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts

Raqs Media Collective, Corrections to the First Draft of History, 2014.

July 24, 2018
Global Academy II, Examples of Transcultural Exchange

Conference: August 11–12, 2018
Salzburger Kunstverein
Hellbrunner Straße 3
5020 Salzburg
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For several years now, the Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts has organised the Global Academy project, which deals with questions of learning and teaching art in a global context. 

The 2016 conference discussed alternative academies in the global south; in 2018, various models of transcultural artistic exchange will be presented, raising the following questions: Against the background of colonialism, past and present, how can we actively promote an exchange of ideas beyond binary systems such as colonial/postcolonial, north/south, western/non-western thinking? What projects exist, and how do they work? How do creative artists, curators, and institutions address transcultural themes? What methods do they use to position themselves in different regions of the world and arrive at mutual understanding? 

Long-term Global Academy project
Transcultural learning has always been carried out at the Summer Academy, but its methods and content have evolved since painter Oscar Kokoschka founded it in 1953. The Summer Academy regards itself as a global academy; teachers are invited from all over the world, and students come from up to 50 different countries. The Global Academy project addresses current questions of global art, strengthening networks with other institutions worldwide, with particular focus on the Global South.

Conference programme

Saturday, August 11

11am: Welcome and introduction, Hildegund AmanshauserKimberly Bradley

11:30am–12:45pm: Keynote lecture, Shuddhabrata Sengupta, “The pursuit of the planetary”

2–4pm: Panel 1
Negotiation: which models allow new modes of transcultural artistic exchange?
Presentations and panel: Marina Fokidis, writer, editor, curator, South magazine, Kunsthalle Athena / “Sierra_Oscar_Uniform_Tango_Hotel: On networks growing from and within contemporary ruins” / Charles Esche, director Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven (NL), “A demodern option?” / Alexander Koch, gallerist/New Patrons, Europe, “New Patrons, Europe” / Clémentine Deliss, curator, researcher, publisher, “Organs and alliances”

4:30–6:30pm: Panel 2
Beyond the binary: what (could) come(s) after north/south, colonial/postcolonial, Eurocentric/“global”?
Presentations and panel: Bouchra Khalili, artist / Will Calderón Furtado, deputy editor of Contemporary And, “Reawakening connections” / Natasha Ginwala, curator, researcher, and writer, “Moral levitation: imploding the canon” / Paul Feigelfeld, curator, researcher, and writer

6:30–7pm: Pecha Kucha presentations by Andrew Gayed, Vanessa Gravenor, Debbie Onuoha, Iaroslav Volovod

Sunday, August 12

10am: Summary of Saturday
Martin Herbert, observer, art critic, and editor

10:30am–12:30pm: Panel 3 
(Re)writing (art) history now: who does it, how, and where?
Presentations and panel: Ahlam Shibli, artist, “Ahlam Shibli on her work Heimat” / Diana Campbell Betancourt, curator, art historian, Dhaka Art Summit, Samdani Art Foundation, Bangladesh, “Looking back to think forward” / Stephanie Bailey, editor-in-chief of Ocula, art critic and theorist, “Between an other and another”

12:30–1pm: Pecha Kucha presentations by Amara Antilla, Hira Nabi, Rachel-Bride Ashton and May Murad, Cristiana Tejo and Kiki Mazzucchelli

2pm: Summary of Saturday and Sunday
Cristina Bogdan, observer, art critic, and editor

2:30–4pm: Panel 4
Where do we go from here?
Panel with: Tony ChakarMarina FokidisEmeka OkerekeSabine B. Vogel and others. 
Moderated by Cristina Bogdan and Martin Herbert

4–4:30pm: Concluding statements Hildegund AmanshauserKimberly Bradley

Further information
Simone Rudolph, presse [​at​], T +43 (0)662 842113

RSVP for Global Academy II, Examples of Transcultural Exchange
Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts
July 24, 2018

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