September 27, 2018–January 16, 2019
Pfingstweidstrasse 96
P.O.Box, 8031 Zürich
The Department of Art & Media of the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) presents a series of public talks with various guests from the contemporary art and culture sector in the autumn semester 2018.
Leila Peacock: September 27, 6pm, It’s Not a Lie if You Believe It.
Robert Beavers: October 4, 6pm, American experimental filmmaker Robert Beavers on his film From the Notebook of… (1971/1998).
Marc Lee: October 9, 6pm, Swiss artist Marc Lee on the use of social media in his artistic practice.
Quinn Latimer: October 11, 6pm, Small Moves, Recent Histories: A Reading by Quinn Latimer
Manuel Gagneux aka Zeal & Ardor: October 18, 7pm, With devil’s blessing—Swiss musician Manuel Gagneux blends spiritual music with Black Metal.
BLOCC: November 12, 6pm, International collective BLOCC on “Building Leverage Over Creative Capitalism”
John Miller: November 16, 6pm, American artist John Miller on his artistic practice.
Adriana Lara: November 21, 6pm, Mexican artist Adriana Lara on her artistic practice.
Stefan Kalmár: November 29, 6pm, Stefan Kalmár, Director of Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA) London, on his curatorial practice.
Tyna Fritschy: December 3, 6pm, The undisciplined zone of knowledge
Armin Chodzinski: December 12, 6pm, “Fortgesetztes Stochern im Nebel. Eine kurze Werkschau auf deutsch mit Krawatte”
Li Tavor: December 13, 6pm, Swiss architect and composer Li Tavor on architecture and its junctions within western music today.
Lili Reynaud Dewar: January 8, 6:30pm, French installation and performance artist Lili Reynaud-Dewar on her artistic practice.
Raphaël Zarka: January 10, 6pm, French artist Raphaël Zarka on his practice and methods.
Octave Perrault: January 16, 6pm, French Architect and author Octave Perrault on contemporary forms of domesticity.