Call for applications: Advanced Master in Artistic Research in a Social-Political Context

Call for applications: Advanced Master in Artistic Research in a Social-Political Context

St Lucas School of Arts Antwerp

Advanced Master workshop, Fondazione Cini. Photos: Pieter Vermeulen.

February 20, 2019
Call for applications: Advanced Master in Artistic Research in a Social-Political Context

Application deadline: September 1, 2019
St Lucas School of Arts Antwerp
Van Schoonbekestraat 143
2018 Antwerp

This advanced master program focuses on research development of artists and designers whose practice is anchored in a social-political context. The program develops in accordance to the specific research proposals of the participants and offers intense coaching in research methodology, writing and critical studies. The program also offers 3 international, intensive and collaborative, 2-week modules with distinguished artists, designers and professionals across the fields of artistic research. Names and partners will be announced soon.

Special focus
The program offers time and space to do research without the requirement of any particular final format such as an exhibition. The focus is on artistic research, individual development and research exchange. The program is aligned to each participant’s work rhythm and caters for specific theoretical interests by inviting a diversity of voices from a variety of fields that can cater to the individual research interests within the student body.

We work with a small team of maximum 15 students to create opportunities and develop a network to strategise sharing research publicly.

The ideal candidates are artists or designers who have developed an individual or collaborative practice and want to work for one year on a research project related to their practice. The program is particularly suitable to those interested in collaboratively developing their practice within a social-political field or in preparation for a successful PhD project. We offer a nurturing research environment of dedicated and experienced tutors, junior and senior researchers and PhD students as well as an international network of professionals, institutions and guest lecturers.

If you want to elaborate on research within your personal artistic or design practice or if you are thinking about applying for a research PhD in the arts.

Practical information
The Master of Research in Art and Design is intended for candidates with a master’s degree or an equivalent qualification. Holders of both masters in visual arts or design and other subjects with artistic practice can apply with a portfolio, a letter of motivation, and a research proposal. 

Maximum number of participants is 15. Applications will be reviewed on a continuous basis. Due to the limited number of participants, you are highly encouraged to submit your application file at your earliest convenience. An application form can be downloadsed from our website. Upon receipt of your application, you will be invited for an admission interview. 

The ideal candidate already has a promising artistic background and is research-oriented. He or she will also be expected to engage in debates and pursue a thorough critical reflection.

For more information, please contact Petra Van Brabandt, head of research at St Lucas Antwerp by mail at petra.vanbrabandt [​at​]

RSVP for Call for applications: Advanced Master in Artistic Research…
St Lucas School of Arts Antwerp
February 20, 2019

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