Open Lecture Series
May 2–July 11, 2019
10099 Berlin
The open lecture series will bring together architects, urban planners, (science and art) historians, sociologists and philosophers in a discussion on architecture and science. With a view to current and historical solutions for building for science, perspectives for the future will also be developed and discussed: Does science (still) need a special housing? How do the demands of science with regard to representativeness and functionality relate to each other? Do the natural sciences, life sciences or the humanities formulate different demands on their buildings—and how can architects even meet these demands? How does the university define itself architecturally? Will the digital revolution change the research locations and knowledge stores of the future? How do the university and science position themselves architecturally in the metropolis and what urban-communicative offers do they make to society?
Open Lecture Series
May 2–July 11, 2019
6 to 8pm
May 2
Was ist Wissenschaftsarchitektur?
Prof. Matthias Sauerbruch (Sauerbruch Hutton/Akademie der Künste)
Dr. Hans-Dieter Nägelke (Architekturmuseum TU Berlin)
May 9
Universitätsbauten und Stadt. Historische und theoretische Perspektiven
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Metzler (HU Berlin)
Prof. Dr. Jörg Gleiter (TU Berlin)
PD Dr. Arne Schirrmacher (HU Berlin)
May 16
Universitätsarchitektur und Diktatur. Eine europäische Perspektive
Prof. Dr. Harald Bodenschatz (TU Berlin)
different location: Humboldt-Universität, Unter den Linden 6, HS 1072
May 23
Das Labor als architektonisches Experiment
Georg Augustin (augustinundfrankarchitekten)
Prof. Christine Nickl-Weller (Nickl & Partner Architekten)
different location: main building TU, H 111
June 6
Kaiser-Schloss/Humboldt-Forum. Gehäuse für Politik und Wissenschaft
Peter Westermann (Hilmer & Sattler und Albrecht)
Prof. Dr. Margarete Pratschke (HU Berlin)
June 13
Volker Giezek & Martin Boden-Peroche (CODE UNIQUE Architekten)
Felicitas Schoberth & Ehrenfried Kebe (KEBE + SCHOBERTH ARCHITEKTEN)
June 20
Science City: Wissensarchitektur in der digitalen Stadt
Prof. Dr. Jörg Rainer Noennig (HCU Hamburg)
Prof. Dr. Martina Löw (TU Berlin)
different location: main building TU, H 111
June 27
Friedhelm Haas (Haas Architekten)
Tobias Nöfer (Nöfer Architekten)
July 4
Achim Bodamer (Bodamer Faber Architekten)
Prof. Dr. Kai Kappel (HU Berlin)
July 11
Prof. Florian Nagler (Florian Nagler Architekten)
Prof. Dr. Christian Freigang (FU Berlin)
A Cooperation between the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
and the Technische Universität Berlin
initiated by the research project “Science in the City”