Dean of the Academy of Fine Art

Dean of the Academy of Fine Art

Oslo National Academy of the Arts

Installation view, Plural Plur, graduation exhibition 2019. Foreground: View of Louise Jacobs, MY WORLD IS EPIC/GRAVITY LOOKS JUST LIKE YOU. Photo: Istvan Virag.

November 7, 2019
Dean of the Academy of Fine Art

Application deadline: December 8, 2019
Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Fossveien 24
P.O. Box 6853, St. Olavs plass
0130 Oslo
Hours: Monday–Friday 9am–5pm

T +47 22 99 55 00

The Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHiO) is searching for a dean to lead its Academy of Fine Art. The position is a full-time, fixed-term position for four years, with the possibility of having the position extended for another four years after a new public announcement. We are seeking a dean who is competent in contemporary art, who is both knowledgeable about and interested in educational and artistic processes and the value of developing the didactics of the various disciplines, and who can both help the Academy of Fine Art develop as a department of KHiO and contribute to KHiO’s overall strategic development.

The dean shall run the Academy of Fine Arts with a visionary and strategic perspective and develop its potential within the areas of teaching, artistic research and public presentation. The dean shall be a good public representative for the academy, participate in public debates and promote and protect the standing of the arts in society.

Tasks and areas of responsibility
The dean shall be the academic and administrative leader of the Academy of Fine Art in accordance with his or her duly delegated powers of authority, including the following tasks:
–develop and assure the quality of the academy’s responsibilities in regard to teaching, research and public presentation
–allocate resources, make academic priorities and be responsible for the budget
–have leadership responsibility for the academy’s staff and uphold their statutory right to codetermination
–be in charge of the strategic steering of the academy’s activities
–coordinate the academy’s teaching plans and activities
–make academic priorities within the framework of the academy’s budget
–be responsible for internal information at the academy
–represent the academy externally and cultivate collaborations with relevant national and international actors in the field
–help the Oslo National Academy of the Arts achieve its strategic goals for the period 2020–2025
–report to the school’s rector and director, see to the implementation of decisions made by the rector/director and provide information to staff and students about such decisions
–participate in the school’s leadership group

Required qualifications
–academic qualifications corresponding to an associate professor status (i.e. PhD or similar qualification); though applicants are not required to have this level of competence within the arts, such artistic competence will be emphasised
–education at a Master’s degree level (or equivalent) within the relevant disciplines
–solid competence and academic legitimacy within the visual arts
–experience from higher education will be emphasised
–relevant experience within research or artistic research
–leadership experience that includes the fields of administration, finance and human resources
–an established national and/or international network
–be proficient in both a Scandinavian language (Norwegian, Swedish or Danish) and English, written as well as spoken

Personal qualities
We are seeking an academically strong leader who is able to support initiatives and creativity by inspiring, facilitating and motivating cooperation, the achievement of goals and the development of a good work environment. Key personal qualities will therefore be good leadership skills and an ability to act in a unifying manner. The successful candidate must have a capacity for strategic, long-term thinking.

What KHiO has to offer
–a creative and enthusiastic work environment in wonderful facilities in Oslo’s Grünerløkka neighbourhood
–a wide range of artistic and cultural events and activities
–an annual salary of NOK 802,600–893,900 (in accordance with the Norwegian state’s pay scale, position code 1474 (dean)), of which  % will be deducted for a statutorily mandated deposit in the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund

Contact information
Rector Måns Wrange: manswran [​at​]
Academy Director Annemarie Bechmann: T +47 951 95 645

Read the full announcement and apply for the job here.

RSVP for Dean of the Academy of Fine Art
Oslo National Academy of the Arts
November 7, 2019

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Oslo National Academy of the Arts will be in touch.


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