The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Greater China Curatorial Residency Programme 2014: call for research proposals
Application deadline: Friday 17 May, 10pm (HKT)
Asia Art Archive (AAA) announces the 2014 call for proposals for The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Greater China Curatorial Residency Programme.
With support from the The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation, the grant offers a one-year fellowship to support curators interested in developing historical or research-oriented art exhibitions relating to contemporary art in China.
The grantee will be awarded a total of 15,000 USD and is expected to spend up to two months conducting research at AAA.
Together with a panel of judges that includes professional curators and scholars in the field, AAA will assess and select applicants based on their knowledge of contemporary Chinese art, relevant experience in the field, proposed methodology, and the substance of the proposed research, as well as its practicability and feasibility.
Application guidelines:
Applicants are welcome to propose their own topics, but encouraged to draw on AAA’s extensive collection of primary documents from Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao. Applicants can develop proposals for exhibitions that explore specific periods of time, themes, or phenomenon in Chinese art from an art historical perspective. Proposals may also be part of a larger curatorial project which frames China and Chinese art within a broader context.
Eligible applicants
Both institutional and independent curators and scholars are eligible to apply. Those who have experience in research and curatorial practice related to contemporary Chinese art are preferred.
Proposal deadline: Friday 17 May, 10pm HKT
Project completion
The selected project is expected to begin in July 2014 and be completed by July 2015.
The grantee will be required to submit interim reports updating AAA on his/her progress throughout the project. Upon the project’s completion, the grantee must submit to AAA a copy of all documents and original materials collected during the course of the project, along with a final report that consists of an essay and an exhibition proposal (with components such as exhibition designs, a list of works, collateral programmes, etc.). AAA would encourage applicants to consider an online component of the final proposal in addition to the written materials. The project will conclude with two public presentations by the grantee (one in Hong Kong and another in either Mainland China or Taiwan).
Although further collaboration and support is possible, the grant will not help the grantee to realise the exhibition in the proposal.
Applicants are required to provide tentative timelines for exhibitions with their proposals.
AAA will award 15,000 USD (approx. 120,000 HKD) to the successful candidate. Budgets should allow for a two-month residency in Hong Kong, research trips to Mainland China, Taiwan, and Macau during the AAA residency, and the acquisition of new materials.
Applicants are required to provide line item budgets with their proposals.
Enquires & proposal submission
Please send enquiries and proposals to Asia Art Archive via email (research [at]
Please include:
–CV (include academic background, relevant past projects, and at least two references)
–Research project description: objectives, approach, and background
–Tentative timeline
–Budget proposal
Applicants may be contacted for additional information.