Public Programs
Spring 2014
The Jewish Museum
1109 Fifth Ave at 92nd St
New York, NY 10128
Hours: Saturday–Tuesday 11am–5:45pm,
Wednesday closed (Shops/Café open 11am–3pm),
Thursday 11am–8pm, Friday 11am–4pm
T +1 212 423 3200
F +1 212 423 3232
The Jewish Museum is pleased to announce its spring Public Programs schedule, featuring lectures and conversations, music and film, and more.
Click here for our complete programs calendar.
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Writers and Artists Respond: Vanessa Davis
Thursday, February 6, 6:30pm
Comics artist and frequent Tablet Magazine contributor Vanessa Davis responds to the exhibition Art Spiegelman’s Co-Mix: A Retrospective.
Free with pay-what-you-wish admission—RSVP recommended
This Is How We Do It: Masterpieces & Curiosities: A Medieval Aquamanile
Tuesday, February 11, 2pm
Susan Braunstein, Henry J. Leir Curator, discusses the process of developing Masterpieces & Curiosities: A Medieval Aquamanile. Free with museum admission.
Hard Talks: “Is Psychoanalysis a Hoax?”
Thursday, February 13, 6:30pm
The so-called “Freud Wars” began in the 1900s and never really ended. Neither side is forgiving in its account, and both reveal a profound anxiety that still surrounds the teachings of one of modernity’s most influential thinkers. Moderated by author and communications scholar Liel Leibovitz.
Free with pay-what-you-wish admission—RSVP recommended
Author Talks: Eric Kandel
James L. Weinberg Distinguished Lecture
Thursday, February 27, 6:30pm
Nobel Prize–winning neuroscientist Dr. Eric Kandel speaks about his book The Age of Insight: The Quest to Understand the Unconscious in Art, Mind, and Brain, from Vienna 1900 to the Present. This event is presented in conjunction with the Vienna City of Dreams festival, organized by Carnegie Hall.
The James L. Weinberg Distinguished Lecture is made possible by the Marshall M. Weinberg Fund, with additional support from Marshall M. Weinberg.
Screening: The Art of Spiegelman
Tuesday, March 4, 11:30am
Clara Kuperberg and Joëlle Oosterlinck’s documentary (43 minutes, 2010) reflects on Art Spiegelman’s childhood memories, his development into a key figure in the underground comics’ movement, and the evolution of his seminal work Maus. The film will be followed by a Q and A session with Emily Casden, Curatorial Assistant for Art Spiegelman’s Co-Mix: A Retrospective.
Wish You Were Here: Franz Kafka
Thursday, March 6, 6:30pm
A conversation between Franz Kafka, represented by Judith Butler, and Jens Hoffmann, Deputy Director, Exhibitions and Public Programs. Butler is Maxine Elliot Professor of Comparative Literature and Critical Theory at University of California, Berkeley, Visiting Tam Mellon Professor in the Humanities at Columbia University and Hannah Arendt Chair, European Graduate School. She is the author of numerous books and essays on philosophy, feminism, and queer theory. Wish You Were Here is a new series of conversations with the subjects of Andy Warhol’s Ten Portraits of Jews of the Twentieth Century (1980), represented by prominent experts, as if they were coming to the museum to have a discussion in the present day.
Free with pay-what-you-wish admission—RSVP recommended
This Is How We Do It: Other Primary Structures
Tuesday, April 1, 2pm
Jens Hoffmann, Deputy Director, Exhibitions and Public Programs, discusses the process of developing Other Primary Structures. Free with museum admission.
Defining Structures: History of Exhibitions
Tuesday, April 1, 6:30pm
A conversation exploring exhibition history through curatorial practice, featuring Jens Hoffmann, Deputy Director, Exhibitions and Public Programs and curator Germano Celant, moderated by Bruce Altshuler, Director, Program in Museum Studies, Graduate School of Arts and Science, New York University.
Free—RSVP recommended
Defining Structures: Global Pop, Global Minimalism, Global Conceptualism
Thursday, April 10, 6:30pm
Three curators—Jane Farver; Jessica Morgan, The Daskalopoulos Curator, International Art, Tate Modern; and Jens Hoffmann, Deputy Director, Exhibitions and Public Programs—discuss Pop, Minimalism, and Conceptual Art from a global perspective.
Free with pay-what-you-wish admission—RSVP recommended
Lecture: Judy Chicago
The Mildred and George Weissman Program
Thursday, April 24, 6:30pm
Influential feminist artist, author, and educator Judy Chicago reflects back on her work and life. Chicago’s work was included in the original Primary Structures exhibition in 1966.
The Mildred and George Weissman Program has been endowed by Paul, Ellen, and Dan Weissman in honor of their parents.
Hard Talks: Is The Internet Bad For Us?
Thursday, May 8, 6:30pm
From buying shoes to finding love, more and more of our pursuits are currently taking place online. Distinct camps of thinkers have emerged to offer their theories of what this computer-mediated communication does to our species. Moderated by author and communications scholar Liel Leibovitz.
Free with pay-what-you-wish admission—RSVP recommended
Public Programs at The Jewish Museum are supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs.
Major support is provided by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.