RE-ALIGNED ART from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus
Curated by Ivor Stodolsky and Marita Muukkonen of Perpetuum Mobilε
RE-ALIGNED is a thematic project including exhibitions, conferences, street and public art, artist-in-residencies, workshops and publications initiated by Perpetuum Mobilε. Working together with Tromsø Kunstforening, Norway, the first regional focus of the RE-ALIGNED project is on Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.
Culminating Exhibition on Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian Art:
RE-ALIGNED ART at Tromsø Kunstforening
13 September–10 November 2013
Opening days: September 13–16
In Tromsø, the RE-ALIGNED project will spread out over several sites, routes and ports including Tromsø Kunstforening, the artist-run spaces Kurant and Small Projects, the Verdensteatret Cinema, the University of Tromsø, as well as the streets, walls, roofs and air-fields of this arctic city. RE-ALIGNED ART is a festival of political art in diverse genres hosting art, cinema, poetry and music, as well three symposia: artistic, discursive and academic.
RE-ALIGNED+MEDIA IMPACT at the Moscow Biennale 2013
Moscow’s leading platform for activist art and the RE-ALIGNED project are joining forces for the second time in Russia. The Moscow events will build on the Helsinki iteration, which included street and public art, poetry and the Arkady Kots band.
October 2013
PAST THE ‘POST-’ / GENERATION ‘PRE-’ at Tensta Konsthall, Stockholm
From Non-Aligned to Re-Aligned Art and Politics
International Conference of the RE-ALIGNED Project
January 25–26, 2014
The RE-ALIGNED project looks into conditions, subjectivities and agencies provoking a new alignment of art, thought and politics in the 21st century. It assumes that the horizon lies not behind, but before us. The “post-modern moment” has passed. We are in a state of “pre-”. Overcoming identity particularisms and old geopolitical fault lines, contemporary currents in art and politics exhibit common alignments based on ideals and ideas.
As in previous times of great public discontent, such as in 1848 across Europe, in 1968 across continents, or in 1989 across the Soviet bloc, artistic advocates of freedom have taken their ideas into full public view. Using a multiplicity of artistic techniques and strategies, the current re-alignment of art with politics tactically combines art and subversion, art and micropolitics, art and education, art and provocation and art and propaganda. The selection of artists, thinkers and activists of the RE-ALIGNED overrides factional divides, including all of these approaches.
RE-ALIGNED ART in Tromsø, whose focus is Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian art, includes the following artists and collectives:
Sveta Baskova, Babi Badalov, Ivan Brazhkin, Chto Delat?, Mikhail Dolyanovsky, Sofia Gavrilova, Gogol’s Wives, Alexey Iorsh, Matvei Krylov, Leonid “Arch Genius,” Denis Limonov, Victoria Lomasko, Media Impact, Kirill Medvedev, Roman Minin, Monobrow, Monstrations (Artyom Loskutov and Maria Kiselyova), Marina Naprushkina, Nikolay Oleynikov, Pyotr Pavlensky, Pedagogical Poem (Arseny Zhilyaev and Ilya Budraitskis), Pussy Riot, Timofey Radya, Mykola Rydni, SOSka Group, Translit & Petersburg Street University, Voina Group and the ZIP Group
Speakers in the programme include Katya Samutsevich (Pussy Riot) over video link, Mischa Gabowitsch (Einstein Forum), Rogatschevski (University of Tromsø), Ivor Stodolsky (Perpetuum Mobilε), Kirill Medvedev (poet and Arkady Kots band leader), Elena Trubina (Ural Federal University), Peter Verzilov (Voina, Pussy Riot associate), Dmitry Vilensky (Chto Delat?), Grey Violet (Voina), and Hilary Pilkington (Warwick University).
RE-ALIGNED Past Events
Paths Crossing Workshop
HIAP Suomenlinna, Helsinki
December 15–17, 2011
Lost Notes from the Underground / …and into the fire.
Another Vacant Space, Berlin
April 27–August 31, 2012
An urban exploration and mobile debate (The AA)
2nd Urals Industrial Biennale, Ekaterinburg
September 14–15, 2012
2nd International Festival of Activist Art
June 18–20, 2013
Russian Art in the Streets
Kiasma Theatre, Urb Festival, Helsinki
August 2–11, 2013