A Theatre Cycle
March–May 2013
Nomas Foundation at Teatro Valle Occupato
Via del Teatro Valle, 21
Rome, Italy
Karina Bisch, Luigi Coppola & Marzia Migliora, Keren Cytter, Linda Fregni Nagler, Anja Kirschner & David Panos, Laurent Montaron, Tino Sehgal, Marinella Senatore, Marcella Vanzo, Ulla von Brandenburg, Clemens von Wedemeyer & Maya Schweizer
Curated by Cecilia Canziani & Ilaria Gianni
After A Painting Cycle (2012), A Film Cycle (2011) and A Performance Cycle (2010), Nomas Foundation continues its research on languages within the visual arts by bringing into focus Theatre.
Over a period of three months, and distributed in three live events and two workshops, A Theatre Cycle reflects on the legacy, dialogue, and discrepancies between visual art and theatre, by focusing on the practice of a selection of artists who address the specificity of theatrical language in its diverse aspects. Dramaturgy, choreography, composition, representation, masquerade, dialogue, interlude, voice, and body are some of the issues articulated by the artist’s interventions, which will each, in their specific development, underline the relationship between the stage as an exhibition space, the audience’s position, and the experience of the live act.
A Theatre Cycle is developed in collaboration with Teatro Valle Occupato, which acts both as a venue where the performances take place and as a specific context to respond to, being the theatre a space reclaimed by a community of actors and theatre workers, recently regained for the citizens of Rome.
While reflecting on the mutual dialogue between vocabularies and languages, investigating the relationship and shared dimensions of fields and researches, A Theatre Cycle additionally aims at providing the evidence of an authentic exchange among figures, voices and professions. The project was entirely built through a participatory platform and stems from the collaboration between Nomas Foundation, the artists, and the whole collective of the Teatro Valle Occupato.
A Theatre Cycle: program
March 27, 9pm
Claude-Samuel Lévine, Theremin concert
Ulla von Brandenburg, Fü-fü-fü-fü-fünf
Julien Discrit, Thomas Dupouy, Claude-Samuel Lévine, Laurent Montaron, Ulla von Brandenburg, Parfums Pourpres du Soleil des Pôles
Laurent Montaron, Artillery
April 23, 9pm
Karina Bisch, Le Témoin
Marcella Vanzo, Rumours
Linda Fregni Nagler, Things that Death Cannot Destroy, (Part 6)
May 23, 9pm
Keren Cytter, Show Real Drama
Anja Kirschner & David Panos, Living Truthfully Under Imaginary Circumstances
Clemens von Wedemeyer & Maya Schweizer, Rien du Tout
Tino Sehgal, Untitled
A Theatre Cycle: workshops
Marinella Senatore, Common Archive School
Luigi Coppola & Marzia Migliora, Io in testa [A-Head]: a common construction site of the political imaginary
For the full program of A Theatre Cycle you can visit our homepage and sign up for our monthly newsletter here.
Nomas Foundation is an independent art institution initiated in 2008 in Rome. The program focuses on the structure and language of art through the analysis of critical and emerging practices. The program is structured in different sections, which intend to investigate the notions of mobility, flexibility and research as terms for cultural development. Nomas Projects addresses exhibition making as an occasion to activate a dialogue with diverse subjects, spaces and audiences. Nomas Lab hosts projects developed in collaboration with local schools, art academies and universities. Nomas Reading Room is an evolving archive of the creative process leading to the curatorial projects, and represents a space dedicated to the discussion, research and exploration of topics related to the program. Nomas Residency each year involves an art practitioner as a critical guest to analyse specific aspects of the Italian cultural scene.
Teatro Valle Occupato is the oldest theatre in the city of Rome. Closed for budget cuts, it has been reclaimed by a group of actors and technicians in June 2011. For the past two years it has offered to the city a continuous programming as well as being an experiment in participatory democracy by the inception of a constitution of a collectively run and participatory based developed foundation.
A Theatre Cycle is a project by Nomas Foundation in collaboration with Teatro Valle Occupato.
Contact: info [at] nomasfoundation.com / T +39 (0)6 86398381
Press office: Benedetta Cappon, benedettacappon [at] gmail.com / T + 39 347 5878846