Symposium + Exhibition
May 7–June 30, 2020
All over the world experts, residents, and cities have been advocating for alternatives to the devastating impacts of overtourism on local territories, societies, economies and global climate.
The “Re-Thinking Tourism for a Planet in Crisis” symposium opens up a cross-disciplinary discourse on the possible futures of responsible tourism.
As the COVID-19 pandemic radically hits global tourism and the immediate environmental benefits become evident, this unique opportunity demands an urgent response and fundamental redefinition of tourism worldwide.
Speakers: Aljosa Dekleva, Maria Finders, Tina Gregoric, Phineas Harper, Dean MacCannell, Timothy Morton, Oaza Collective, John Thackara, Jakob Travnik
Moderation: Tina Gregoric, Jakob Travnik
Schedule (all times in CEST)
3pm Re-Thinking Tourism for a Planet in Crisis – Tina Gregoric, Jakob Travnik, Institute of Architecture and Design, TU Vienna, AT
Panel 1
3:25pm Welcome To My Home: Urban-Rural Relations – John Thackara, Writer, advisor and bioregional designer, FR
3:50pm One Way Ticket to Infinity and Back – Phineas Harper, Open City, London, UK + Oslo Architecture Triennale, NO
4:15pm Implementing Nanotourism by On-Site Education – Aljosa Dekleva, AA nanotourism Visiting School, London, UK + Dekleva Gregoric architects, SLO
4:40pm MADE IN - alternative production systems – Oaza, Art and Design Collective, Zagreb, CRO
5pm Panel discussion
Panel 2
6:05pm Cheap Holidays in Other People’s Misery – Timothy Morton, Professor, Rice University, USA
6:30pm No Culture without Hospitality – Maria Finders, Atelier Luma and Luma Arles, FR
6:55pm The Moral Economy of Tourism – Dean MacCannell, Professor Emeritus, UC Davis, California, USA
7:20pm Towards New Realities – Tina Gregoric, Professor, TU Vienna, AUT + Dekleva Gregoric architects, SLO
7:40pm Panel discussion + conclusion
The seminar “Re-Thinking Tourism for a Planet in Crisis” took place during winter semester 2019/20 at TU Vienna. Using the concept of nanotourism as a point of departure, the seminar focused on evaluating its characteristics through cross-disciplinary research, analysis and pattern thinking.
The exhibition documents the seminar’s collection of reference projects, theories, texts and case studies through 9 visual essays, collectively hinting towards alternative forms of the study and design of tourism for a planet in crisis.
Mentors: Jakob Travnik, Amanda Sperger
Students exhibition group: Zajnab Ali, Emma Kaufmann-LaDuc, Barbara Krajcar, Tara Mücke, Peter Lechner, Hana Mladjenovic, Lauro Nächt, Katharina Sauermann, Aurora Zordan
Students seminar: Zajnab Ali, Anna Dür, Baran Demir, Christina Haslauer, Alex Grekoussis, Anargyros Lazarou, Anna Bernbacher, Emma Kaufmann-LaDuc, Daria Lanina, Barbara Krajcar, Lynn Karkouki Samman, Ada Curkic, Tara Mücke, Peter Lechner, Hana Mladjenovic, Lauro Nächt, Hanni Nusser, Katharina Sauermann, Aurora Zordan