Call for applications: Artist-in-Residence

Call for applications: Artist-in-Residence

Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics

Lea Letzel and Luísa Saraiva, A Concert / Ein Konzert, 2018. Photo: Tassilo Letzel.

June 30, 2020
Call for applications: Artist-in-Residence

Application deadline: August 16, 2020
Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics
Grüneburgweg 14
60322 Frankfurt am Main
Facebook / Twitter

The INHABIT Artist-in-Residence Program of the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics invites artists from various disciplines to collaborate with our team of scientists and researchers. The integration of artistic thinking and knowledge as reflective practices in their own right is an important dimension of the Institute’s mission. For this the presence of art and the inspiration and challenge of artistic practice are essential. The interaction between the different perspectives creates a productive space for both artists and scientists to collaborate in.

For this reason, INHABIT invites artists to spend three months creating new work, or further developing an existing project, in a scientific research environment. Openness to the mission of the Institute and interest and readiness to work together with individual researchers or research groups are naturally preconditions. During the residency, the Institute will provide space, resources, and facilities for productive experimentation, dialogue, and collaboration.

Work developed during the residency will be presented in cooperation with various local arts institutions in the form of an exhibition, performance, concert, or other presentation, and complemented by discursive formats.

Founded in 2013 and located in Frankfurt/Main, the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics brings researchers from the humanities and the sciences together to investigate the field of aesthetics. This involves asking how and by whom art is appreciated, and which art, for which reasons, under which situational and historical circumstances, as well as analyzing the functions of aesthetic practices and preferences for individuals and societies. The MPIEA is currently the only research institution in the world that is dedicated solely to interdisciplinary research on aesthetic perception and evaluation. The MPIEA is one of 86 research institutions of the Max Planck Society, one of Europe’s leading organizations in the field of basic research. To learn more, please visit our website.

Residency period: February–April, 2021

Residency period: May–July, 2021

Residency period: September–November, 2021

Duration of residency: 3 months
Application deadline: August 16, 2020
Jury decision: October 2020

Who we are looking for:
​–Artists from different disciplines who are interested in interdisciplinary collaboration between the artistic and scientific fields
​–Artists who are open to developing and sharing a project in the form of an exhibition, performance, concert, or other format
–Artists who are active in contemporary culture and respond to the Institute with innovative and challenging ideas

What we offer:
–Artist’s fee: 6,000 EUR
–Accommodation fee: 2,000 EUR
–Production budget depending on the project
–Technical and administrative support for the realization of the final project
–Travel costs to/from and in Frankfurt
–Collaboration with scientists and researchers
–Access to the Institute’s library, sound studio, and scientific facilities
–Curatorial support during the residency

How to apply:
Please send, no later than August 16, 2020, your complete application, including:
–your CV
–an artist’s statement describing your practice, concepts, and methods, etc. (max. 500 words)
–a description of the proposed project that outlines potential connections with the work of the Institute and the scientific interest (max. 500 words)
–a portfolio of your work
–an indication of the residency periods for which you are available, to inhabit [​at​]

RSVP for Call for applications: Artist-in-Residence
Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics
June 30, 2020

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Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics will be in touch.


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