2-week Summer Programme
July 9–23, 2020
36 Bedford Square
London WC1B 3ES
Hours: Monday–Saturday 11am–7pm
24/7–360° Live Sessions
Thursday, July 9–Thursday, July 15
Live Sessions aim to foster a globally-connected architectural community and structure an international conversation that aspires to provide intimacy and personal interaction in a time of social distancing. From July 9–15, recorded and live content will be streamed from different geographical longitudes and time zones around the world.
Architects, designers, curators, researchers, students and artists from around the world will be invited to participate in posing questions about how we come together, how we teach and how we learn as conventional formats, habits and rituals are currently being challenged and redefined.
360° AA Summer School
Friday, July 16–Thursday, July 23
This year’s Summer School will operate in conjunction with 24/7–360° Live Sessions. Occurring from July 16–23, it will draw material and inspiration from the content produced and streamed the week before.
Unit leaders will present their briefs for the Summer School and each student, according to their interests, will select a preferred unit. The units will be comprised of eight students, who will undertake daily projects in order to produce a collective piece of work. Some of the tutors include: Arantza Ozaeta Cortázar, Álvaro Martín Fidalgo, Troy Conrad Therrien, Neeraj Bhatia, Lydia Kallipoliti, Oliviu Lugojan-Ghenciu and Raluca Grada-Emandi.
The Summer School will revolve around three pressing, contemporary issues: the climate, ethics and health. Each theme will be explored within a virtual room where participants can exchange ideas, articulate arguments and present their work, both individually and collectively.
The daily schedule will be supported by lunchtime lectures, evening roundtable discussions, portfolio reviews, digital presentations, workouts and social events for getting to know each other. A virtual exhibition to showcase the students’ work, as well as a public forum for conversation, will conclude the Summer School week.
More information about and admission requirements here.