Choreography in Contemporary Art
27 January–25 March 2012
Preview: 17:00–19:00 Thursday, 26 January
Gl Holtegaard
Attemosevej 170
Holte, Denmark
The exhibition SHOW TIME brings together eight artists that investigate the relationship between the body and its surroundings.
The participating artists—Pablo Bronstein, Cao Fei, Jacqueline Doyen, İnci Eviner, Shaun Gladwell, Nina Saunders and Sans façon—lift methodologies and ideas from the worlds of choreography, dance and architecture and use these to explore how the environment affects our movements, habits and gestures. Many of the artists work across the boundaries of specific art forms to combine sculpture, installation, film, performance and dance. Furthermore, the exhibition as a whole seeks to play with the fluidity of time by presenting an array of works that reference multiple times and unfold at varying speeds. Within this remit video works provide a universe of possibilities for the body in motion and enable the audience to traverse multiple sites and times.
SHOW TIME is created specifically for the kunsthal Gl Holtegaard, located in an 18th century country house with a baroque garden. Many of the recurrent themes in the exhibition such as baroque notions of the body in movement and slippages in time are motivated by its unique location, while unlocking the potential of Gl Holtegaard as a site for contemporary art within a historical framework.
Pablo Bronstein (Argentina/UK), Cao Fei (China), Jacqueline Doyen (France/Germany), İnci Eviner (Turkey), Shaun Gladwell (Australia), Nina Saunders (Denmark)
Exhibition residency: Sans façon – Charles Blanc & Tristan Surtees (France/UK)
Choreographer of live performances: Luis Lara Malvacias (Venezuela/US)
Dancers from The Danish School of Theatre and Contemporary Dance
Curated by
Liberty Paterson
Moving History Seminar
In collaboration with The Danish School of Theatre and Contemporary Dance
Friday 27 January, 9.45–13.30
Venue: The Danish School of Theatre and Contemporary Dance, Phillip de Langes Allé 3, Copenhagen
Through presentations by a number of artists and theorists Moving History takes a closer look at the relation between history, space and movement.
The seminar is free, to register email
In connection with the opening of the exhibition, a catalogue will be published, containing images of the artworks and texts by the Novelist Marie Darrieussecq, Professor in Choreography, History and Theories of the Body at UCLA Susan Leigh Foster, Art Historian Mårten Snickare and the exhibition’s curator Liberty Paterson.
ISBN: 978-87-88499-09-4
SHOW TIME is supported by: Det Obelske Familiefond, Nordea-fonden, Statens Kunstråds Internationale Billedkunstudvalg, Statens Kunstråds DIVA-pulje, Statens Kunstråds Scenekunstudvalgs Aktualitetspulje, Søllerød Kunstforening and Bikubenfonden.
*Image above:
Image courtesy of the artist and Lombard Freid Projects, NY.