Indian Highway
to M. F. Husain (Pandharpur 1915–London 2011)
Via Guido Reni 4a
00196 Rome
MAXXI presents INDIAN HIGHWAY, the major touring group show coproduced with the Serpentine Gallery in London and the Astrup Fearnley Museum in Oslo, organized in Rome by MAXXI Arte and curated by Julia Peyton-Jones, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Gunnar B. Kvaran and Giulia Ferracci (MAXXI Arte).
INDIAN HIGHWAY—as the emblematic title/metaphor for the country and its dizzying race towards the future suggests—describes the economic boom, the technological development, the social transformations, the conflicts and the cohabitation of a millenary civilisation and a developing society, identity and modernity, countryside and cities in exponential growth. A 360° portrait of the sub-continent and its “miracle”, interpreted through the penetrating, acute and profound eyes of 30 artists.
The exhibition can essentially be divided into three macro areas:
Indian Identity and Histories: investigates political, social and religious themes such as the war between India and Pakistan, the religious struggles, the transience of the national borders.
Exploding metropolises: examines urban expansion and chaos and the abandonment of the rural areas.
Contemporary Tradition: explores the revisiting of ancient forms of expression from Indian culture such as miniatures, ceramics and ink paintings.
In January 2012 the show NINETEEN MANTRAS directed by Giorgio Barberio Corsetti, music by Riccardo Nova, choreography by Shantala Scivalingappa, a Fondazione Musica per Roma and Fondazione MAXXI production, co-produced with the Accademia Teatro alla Scala.
MAXXI – National Museum of XXI Century Arts
info: + 39 06.399.67.350;
Opening hours:
Tue-Wed-Fri-Sun 11.00-19.00/ Thur-Sat 11.00-22.00
Closed: Mondays, 1 May and 25 December.
MAXXI PRESS OFFICE +39 06 322.51.78 –