Institute of Stage Design seeks University Professorship for Fine Arts

Institute of Stage Design seeks University Professorship for Fine Arts

Kunstuniversität Graz

Courtesy University of Music and Performing Arts Graz—MUMUTH.

October 8, 2020
Institute of Stage Design seeks University Professorship for Fine Arts

Application deadline: October 21, 2020
Kunstuniversität Graz
Leonhardstrasse 15
8010 Graz

The University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, Institute of Stage Design, is offering a position, for the limited period from March 1, 2021 to September 30, 2023, for a University Professorship for Fine Arts. The professorship is based on § 99 of the Universities Act and § 25 of the collective agreement for university employees, in the form of a full-time contractual position. An extension of the position is only allowed after complying with the appointment procedure according to § 98 of the university law. It is possible to agree to an overpayment of the minimum monthly contractual salary, which has been determined by the collective agreement and which at present is 5,245.60 EUR gross (14 payments annually).

We are looking for an artistic personality who is able to work across genres and media, has digital media literacy, positions herself/himself at the interface between art and art education, and is able to deal with current art trends and art-pedagogical discourses.

The holder of the position (f/m) is involved in the inter-university teacher training studies—the subject of Art Education—and at the same time represents an important link to the music-related fields of study, to artistic research and to inter- as well as trans-disciplinary artistic practice at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz.

Task areas in particular:
​–independent teaching of courses and holding exams
​–responsible representation and promotion of the field in its entirety, in particular in the arts-based approach
​–willingness to participate actively in the further development of the university’s teaching environment and its artistic and scholarly life, as well as helping shape the academic autonomy of the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz
–participation in organisational, administrative and evaluation duties

Basic employment requirements:
–a degree from an Austrian or comparable foreign educational institute that suits the position
–skills and/or experience in dealing with gender and diversity  

Specific employment requirements:
–outstanding personality with the highest qualification in the area of practice of fine arts, especially in at least one of the areas listed here: Intermediality, Performance Multimedia or Virtual Reality
–excellent international artistic career
–outstanding pedagogical and didactic competency
–willingness to work in teams at all levels
–openness to other art disciplines

Interested candidates with the appropriate qualifications are invited to submit their written application with the usual documents before October 21, 2020 in a PDF-file by e-mail to bewerbung-prof [​at​] using the identification number (Geschäftszahl) 30/20. If necessary, sound recordings or DVDs can be sent by regular post.

The university is striving to increase the proportion of women in its artistic staff and therefore strongly encourages qualified women to apply. Women will be given preference in the case of equal qualification.

Applicants are not entitled to compensation for the travel and lodging expenses that arise during the application procedure.

Following the concept of social sustainability at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, which interprets all aspects of special requirements, persons with special needs will be given preference in the case of equal qualification.

On behalf of the rectorate,
Georg Schulz

RSVP for Institute of Stage Design seeks University Professorship…
Kunstuniversität Graz
October 8, 2020

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