New Director Appointed at Kunsthalle Bern
The board of Kunsthalle Bern is pleased to announce the appointment of Fabrice Stroun (born 1969) effective from January 1st 2012. Over the last 15 years Fabrice Stroun has been working as an independent curator based in Geneva.Welcoming his appointment, Wolf von Weiler, President of the Board of Kunsthalle Bern, said: “I am delighted to announce Fabrice Stroun as the new Director of Kunsthalle Bern. The appointment reflects the board’s commitment to further strengthening the reputation of Kunsthalle Bern as one of Switzerland’s foremost institutions of contemporary art and its international standing. Fabrice Stroun brings with him a wealth of expertise, both as a curator and as an art editor, at a key point in the evolution of Kunsthalle Bern.”
Wolf von Weiler also expressed the appreciation of the Board of Kunsthalle Bern to Philippe Pirotte for his inspirational service as acting Director of the Kunsthalle until early October 2011.
Fabrice Stroun is a Swiss citizen born in Geneva. As an independent curator he has conceived and organized over 50 exhibitions at institutions like Centre d’Art Contemporain Geneva, MAMCO Geneva, Kunsthaus Glarus, Le Magasin Grenoble and Villa Medici in Rome. He has collaborated intensely with artists such as Valentin Carron (CH), Philippe Decrauzat (CH), Vidya Gastaldon (FR), Wade Guyton (USA), Richard Wright (UK), Mai-Thu Perret (CH), Jim Shaw (USA), Josh Smith (USA), Seth Price (USA) und Kelley Walker (USA). He has published various monographs, anthologies and exhibition catalogues and is co-publisher of the artist-edition programme “Hard Hat” in Geneva. Since 2006 he is lecturer at H.E.A.D. (Haute Ecole d’Art et de Design), Geneva. In 2005 Fabrice Stroun received the Swiss Art Award as art mediator.
About Kunsthalle Bern
Kunsthalle Bern was founded in 1917 on the initiative of group of Bernese artists.
In the intervening years, it evolved into one of Europe’s foremost exhibition halls for contemporary art. More recently, the Kunsthalle exhibited up-and-coming artists like Oscar Tuazon, produced ambitious group shows like “Animism” or “Slow Movement” and re-discovered one of the pioneers of experimental film-making in Owen Land.
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