Big Picture I (Locations/Projections)
19 March–14 August 2011
Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen
Ständehausstraße 1
40217 Düsseldorf
T 0049.211.8381-204
F 0049.211.8381-209
service [at]
Big Picture is the title of a work by recently-deceased California artist Jason Rhoadescura (1965–2006), an expression term also suggestive of a “larger overview.” When Rhoades—in an ironic reversal—displays a large garden on a small flatscreen, he sets the tone for an exhibition of film and video installations which features the most diverse approaches to the cinematographic art installation. Shifts of prospective, leaps of scale, and conceptual disjunctions generate a filmic atmosphere located somewhere beyond cinema, among whose most powerful inventions are striking images of travel, of landscape, and of nature. The presentation focuses on a selection of 12 installations, loans, and works from the permanent collection, all displayed in a specially designed architecture. The show includes works by Jason Rhoades, Mark Lewis, Rodney Graham, Shirin Neshat, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Corinna Schnitt, Natacha Nisic, Steve McQueen, Paul Pfeiffer, Thomas Steffl, Kimsooja and Richard T. Walker.
*Image above:
© Rodney Graham, 2010.
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