Malmö Konsthall
S:t Johannesgatan 7
Box 17127
SE-200 10 Malmö
T+46 (0)40-34 60 00
SwedenOpen daily 11-17, Wed 11-21
Admission free
Guided tours daily 14, Wed also 18.30
Åke Hedström
Connection Malmö Konsthall
C-salen. Opening 26.1 17.00-21.00
19.2 – 1.5
Walead Beshty
Opening 18.2 17.00-21.00
19.2 – 1.5
László Moholy-Nagy
Opening 18.2 17.00-21.00
21.5 – 21.8
Poul Gernes
Opening 20.5 17.00-21.00
Organized in cooperation with Deichtorhallen Hamburg.
21.5 – 21.8
Anna Maria Maiolino
Opening 20.5 17.00-21.00
Anna Maria Maiolino is an exhibition organised by Fundació Antonio Tàpies, Barcelona, and coproduced with Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea, Santiago de Compostela, and Malmö
10.9 – 6.11
Chris Johanson
Opening 9.9 17.00-21.00
10.9 – 6.11
Misaki Kawai
Opening 9.9 17.00-21.00
26.11 – 29.1 2012
Gerhard Nordström
Opening 25.11 17.00-21.00
26.11 – 29.1 2012
Francisco Goya
The Disasters of War
Opening 25.11 17.00-21.00