squatting. erinnern, vergessen, besetzen

squatting. erinnern, vergessen, besetzen

Temporäre Kunsthalle

Design: NODE Berlin Oslo

March 26, 2010

squatting. erinnern, vergessen, besetzen

. erinnern, vergessen, besetzen
curated by Tilo Schulz in cooperation with
Jörg van den Berg
2 April – 24 May 2010


Carsten Nicolai
April 2010 – August 2010

1 April 2010, 9 pm

Schlossplatz, Berlin-Mitte
phone: (+49) 30 25 76 20 4-0
fax: (+49) 30 25 76 20 4-19
office [​at​] kunsthalle-berlin.com


squatting. erinnern, vergessen, besetzen

squatting shows twenty works by seventeen artists in a format that aims to involve visitors in a mostly serious, sometimes entertaining, but always intense dialog with art. The exhibition takes as its point of departure a form of memory that is not only backward-looking. This active form of remembering—and forgetting—is understood as a need felt by society as a whole, and as one basis for the production and reception of artworks. squatting brings together works which take memory as their theme and focus on experiences with places, situations, people, and actions. The featured artworks occupy a space (the Temporäre Kunsthalle) whose location (Schlossplatz) is itself charged with political memories and ideological interventions.

squatting responds to this as a themed group show in which attention centers on encounters between individual artwork and viewer. The exhibition is based on an iconic exhibition practice which artist Tilo Schulz and curator Jörg van den Berg have been developing since the late 1990s. The focus is placed on the presence of the individual artwork, developing a network of connections in terms of form and content between the works on display. Blocked-off and opened spaces, lines of sight and movement emphasize both the differences and the links between the various works: to experience the whole exhibition, visitors must access and leave the Kunsthalle via three different entrances. The space of art (inside) and the space of political memory (outside) remain separate, but are woven together in the visitor’s movement. squatting shapes a specific place that offers visitors a pictorial vocabulary as material for active further processing.

Participating artists

Heike Kati Barath | Annika Eriksson | Carsten Fock | Franka Hörnschemeyer | Sven Johne | Šejla Kamerić | On Kawara | Thomas Locher | Antje Majewski | Olaf Nicolai | Anna Oppermann | Manfred Pernice | Bojan Šarčević | Michael Schmidt | Gitte Villesen | Simon Wachsmuth | Haegue Yang

Squatting is accompanied by a series of six Monday-evening events entitled sechs Werke, sechs Künstler, sechs Gäste & sechs Wege durch die Ausstellung. For each event, one featured artist speaks with an art-world figure about another work, not included in the show. Before each event, the curators will give a guided tour through the exhibition. Afterwards, artists and friends are at the turntables, playing their music at the Montags Bar.

In April 2010 Temporäre Kunsthalle presents its new publications:
squatting. erinnern, vergessen, besetzen, with texts by Tilo Schulz & Jörg van den Berg, Angela Rosenberg, 80 pages, German / English.
Auto-Kino!, with texts by Phil Collins & Siniša Mitrović, Bert Rebhandl, Angela Rosenberg, 144 pages, German / English.
Bettina Pousttchi. Echo, with texts by Tom McCarthy, Diedrich Diederichsen, Markus Miessen, Hans-Ulrich Obrist, Angela Rosenberg, Esther Ruelfs, ca. 160 pages, German / English. Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König Köln


April 2010 – August 2010

autoR by Carsten Nicolai is the third facade project to be realized by the Temporäre Kunsthalle on Schlossplatz (April–August 2010). autoR is conceived as a self-organizing process for which visitors are invited to apply a total of around 100,000 stickers to a white background. The abstract form of the stickers play with the idea of a logo and refers to the structure of viruses and antibodies. The project will pass through three phases, with the initial blank of the white PVC skin representing a zero state that contrasts with the numerous advertising images and architectural projections on and around Schlossplatz. The subsequent contributions of individual visitors will generate an ever-changing facade shaped by a process that is open, democratic, and dynamic. The interplay between the initial conditions established by the artist and the visitors’ responses creates an image of an interactive creative process.

Daily 11 am – 6 pm, Mondays to 9 pm.

Bärbel Hartje, phone: +49 (30) 25 76 20 4-31, fax: +49 (30) 25 76 20 4-19, press@kunsthalle-berlin.com, www.kunsthalle-berlin.com

Temporäre Kunsthalle Berlin

RSVP for squatting. erinnern, vergessen, besetzen
Temporäre Kunsthalle
March 26, 2010

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