Pierre Huyghe
A live situation
31 October 2009
14 February 2010
1 May 2010
Once a folk museum, an identity crisis led to its closing.
Live situations from our recent history now inhabit this place.
The imaginary, the psychological state of our condition is this museum.
We enter and witness a game of roles, a ceremony of multiple personalities.
Here everything is real, constantly transforming itself.
In this tale of the present, the personnel of the museum encounter fragments of our heterogeneous history, acclimate themselves and change into polyphonic characters. We follow them on their journey through this collection of situations, their roles shift and multiply as they migrate.
This situation presents the alter egos of an absent subject, on their way to construct a new state.
This live experiment occupies the entire building and involves about thirty players. Some take the part of the personnel: director, guard, archivist, receptionist…Others, the ‘interpreters’, play situations and stories of historical significance or popular culture.
The personnel witness these situations which are played by the interpreters, or presented by authors of culture and specialists in different fields who perform their own roles (actor, model, singer, comedian, magician, mentalist, hypnotist, jurist, lawyer…).
The situation unfolds over the course of one year (October 31st 2009, February 14th 2010 and May 1st 2010) and changes every time.