Launch of new interdisciplinary journal
As a modern project, the notion of territory was synonymous with the colonization of nature. Urbanism today, or simply contemporary life, faces its consequences: environmental degradation, soil depletion, climate crisis, sea level rise, displacements and inequality, etc. What then unfolds is seen in the present search for different project cultures that are situated, contextual and capable of acting across the entire gradient of urbanization, that is: regulating atmospheric conditions, managing water patterns, maintaining soil health and establishing a stronger culture of meaning, relationships and proximity to nature. Delta Urbanism positions itself in this search of a new modernity.
The title of this journal is the offspring of the interdisciplinary research movement Delta Urbanism that started about 25 years ago at Delft University of Technology. The two words describe the concept that brings focus on an integrative and interdisciplinary approach in the planning, designing and engineering of urbanized deltas—fragile and highly dynamic landscapes at sea, in deltas, and in estuaries—facing extreme challenges from competing claims and interests. As discourse, it investigates the possibilities to combine flood protection, water management, and environmental regeneration with urban design, landscape architecture, and spatial planning. Finally, as practice, it has the objective to design the interdependency between spatial and infrastructural form and function and socio-ecological value and performance in deltaic and coastal landscapes.
When overlooking Delta Urbanism legacy and present efforts to foster frontier research and design imagination, the need for a platform was obvious: a space for the dissemination of ideas and construction, expansion and collection of an international body of knowledge. A place where to share academic innovation and critical theory, practices and projects, and welcome new dialogues and translations between fields of knowledge and their experts contributing to the Delta Urbanism discourse.
With this understanding, the Journal of Delta Urbanism (JDU) is launched as a platform where scientific knowledge and innovative ideas are presented together, and a language is developed for the interdisciplinary community. The diversity in unity is expressed in the diversity of voices that the journal will accommodate. Besides the academic essays published in the section “Papers,” the journal introduces other four section types: “Practice,” taken into the policy and material practice perspective; “Dialogue” columns where different perspectives on a share topic are exchanged; “Project” which is dedicated to frontier design research in competitions, prizes and research projects; and finally, “Dictionary” building the Delta Urbanism language by slowly deconstructing, in every issue, the meaning of two terms important to interdisciplinary design.
JDU is published twice a year, in spring and autumn. Submissions can be sent in individually; also, guest editors are invited to present specific topics to be published in special editions. We welcome academic research papers, column style dialogue contributions, practice experiences and design project studies.
The first issue “Premises“ is partly based on the conference Delta Urbanism in Times of Climate Crisis that was held at Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, on March 5 and 6, 2020.
JDU is a project by Delta Urbanism Research Group, Department of Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment and DIMI Delft Deltas, Infrastructure and Mobility Initiative
Delft University of Technology
Chief Editors
Baukje Kothuis, Taneha Kuzniecow Bacchin, Fransje Hooimeijer - Delft University of Technology.
Graphic Design
bruno, Venice (Italy)
Subscription and Printing on Demand
Open access journal: available subscription and printing on demand on the journal website
For subscriptions and any further information: jdu-bouwkunde[at]
Publication Funding
TU Delft Delta, Infrastructure and Mobility Initiative
Call for Contributions:
JDU #2 “Longue durée” Spring-Summer 2021