Issue #4: special print edition
Dear Readers,
Thinking about how to bring an online journal into the hands of readers, this summer we published a special print edition of e-flux journal issue #4 over eight installments in the pages of Parkett, Artforum, Bidoun, Cabinet, Texte Zur Kunst, Afterall, Flash Art, and Frieze.
This publication within publications is a preview of e-flux journal’s upcoming print-on-demand system to be launched this fall. It will enable any and all of you to become publishers of e-flux journal and print all issues for yourself and/or your colleagues for free using your computer printer, local copy shop, or offset printer (if you want to publish an edition for sale and distribution in your community).
We hope that you enjoy the printed version of the journal, and we would like to hear your feedback and suggestions at journal [at]
e-flux journal issue #4
Dieter Roelstraete, The Way of the Shovel: On the Archeological Imaginary in Art (Artforum and Frieze)
Elena Filipovic, A Museum That is Not (Bidoun, article continues online)
Michael Baers, Concerning Matters to be Left for a Later Date, Part 1 of 4 (Parkett, article continues online)
Boris Groys, Religion in the Age of Digital Reproduction (Afterall and Cabinet, article continues online)
Silvia Kolbowski, Two in One (Texte Zur Kunst, article continues online)
Dieter Lesage, The Academy is Back: On Education, the Bologna Process, and the Doctorate in the Arts (Flash Art, October Issue)
We would like to deeply thank our colleagues at Artforum, Frieze, Afterall, Parkett, Text Zur Kunst, Cabinet, Bidoun, and Flash Art for making this unusual edition possible.
Julieta Aranda, Anton Vidokle, and Brian Kuan Wood