The Age of Imagination: Japanese Art, 1615 – 1868,
from the Price Collection
Opens June 22
5905 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles CA 90036
Opening at LACMA on June 22, The Age of Imagination: Japanese Art, 1615 – 1868, from the Price Collection was the most popular touring museum exhibition in the world last year—in Japan 900,000 visitors attended!
The Etsuko and Joe Price Collection is world-renowned for its collection of Japanese paintings of the Edo Period featuring screens, hanging scrolls, and fan-format paintings. The Price Collection reflects the eclectic diversity of a remarkably creative span in Japan’s history of visual art and is highlighted by some of the finest examples of the distinctive and compelling renderings of animal life by Ito Jakuchu (1716 – 1800), an artist who caught Joe Price’s eye five decades ago, when the artist was fairly unknown. The collection also features Kansai-region artists such as Maruyama Okyo, Nagasawa Rosetsu, and Mori Sosen, and artists of the Edo Rimpa school including Sakai Hoitsu and Suzuki Kiitsu. The exhibition has been on a four-city tour in Japan with enormous success.
Lecture: Itō Jakuchū
With guest curator Money Hickman
July 20 | 2 pm
Lecture: 18th Century Japanese Painting
With Timon Screech, Professor of Art
September 14 | 2 pm
Gallery Course: Japanese Painting of the Edo Period
September 6 | 9 am
NexGen Family Sundays: Animals in the Age of Imagination
August 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 | 12:30 – 3:30 pm
For tickets and information: or 323 857-6000