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In the context of the Berlin Biennale, JRP|Ringier is proud to present the following publications:
When Things Cast No Shadow
5th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art catalogue
English/German, softcover, 200 x 270 mm, 592 pages
ISBN 978-3-905829-58-7
The World of Interiors by Marc Camille Chaimowicz
Artist’s book published with the migros museum für gegenwartskunst, Zurich
English, hardcover, 210 x 265 mm, 218 pages
ISBN 978-3-905701-67-8
*1977 by Katerina Sedá
Monograph, Tranzit series
English/Czech, box with 10 folders, 219 x 322 mm, 160 pages
ISBN 978-3-905770-95-7
For Every Dog a Different Master by Katerina Sedá
Monograph, Tranzit series
English/Czech, softcover, 210 x 300 mm, 200 pages
ISBN 978-3-905829-66-2
To be released this Summer
The Provisional Texture of Reality by Susan Hiller
Selected Texts and Talks, 1977- 2007, Positions series
English, softcover, 150 x 210 mm, 192 pages
ISBN 978-3-905829-56-3
To be released in September
In May JRP|Ringier will launch a newsletter. If you would like to receive regular information about our books, please subscribe here.