Antoine Berghs
Why return to places while one could proceed endlessly
January 19 – March 24, 2008
Postbus 230
6130 AE Sittard
T.: 046 4513460
January 19 – March 24, 2008; At the same time you can visit a presentation of artworks of Antoine Berghs at the DSM main office, Postweg 1, in Sittard, during office hours
Opening Friday 18 January, 17 h.
Solo exhibition contemporary art; Photos, paintings, videos, installation
Nettles abound in abandoned places: places that have evaded attention and, left to their own devices, gradually evolve their owndynamic. These are incidental urban landscapes that equally reveal a vanished human presence and a transient future. Antoine Berghs (Geleen 1971) examines paradoxical moments of our existence, finding them in the periphery of cities and consciousness alike. In the everyday influx of images, this is how Berghs pinpoints what is worth seeing. The findings he presents in this solo exhibition make no attempt to disclose why we should return to these places. Rather, they explore the evasive train of thought that underpins them.
The corresponding publication with contributions of Pietje Tegenbosch and David Hamers brings together works created over the last seven years. The T-Time, the discussion meeting, is held on 24 February
at 12.30 h.
A word of welcome is done by Peter Fransman who starts as new director of Museum Het Domein on January 1, 2008.
At the same time there is the presentation Barrio Dreams of the American artist Dzine in the projectRoom:
In his first Dutch exhibition, Chicago-based Puerto Rican painter and multi-media artist Dzine (1970) presents a low rider bike sculpture with a video installation, a site specific wall installation with a working turntable and a trademark painting by the artist, fabricated entirely with acrylic and thousands of glass beads.
Low rider bicycles are a typical feature of Chicano-American street culture. Mexican immigrants in the neighbourhoods of major US cities fashion these unique and amazing hybrids – Harley Davidson-cum-bike – as personal art and status objects to be flaunted on the streets, rather than displayed in the context of a sterile exhibition space. Dzine has picked up on this tradition, and explored his own passion for music and youth culture appropriating these sculptural elements to make something entirely unique. Here, the interactive element is just as important as it is on the street.
Following in the footsteps of Os Gemeos, Dzine will create the second permanent mural in the Oda parking facility in Sittard.
Image: Observations, 2005.
More information and images can be found in the press room on the museum’s home page at Or contact us: Karin Adams or Lene ter Haar 046 -451 34 60;
The museum is closed February 3-5, and on Easter Sunday.