de Appel
Nieuwe Spiegelstraat 10, Amsterdam
t. 31 20 6255651</p>
Throughout 2007 de Appel produces and presents performances by visual artists, musicians, writers and choreographers who explore the notion of the live moment. In doing so de Appel rethinks its own legacy and, in close alliance with partner institutions, contributes to new developments within performance art. This Extended Performance Programme takes place under the title Situations – a programme where the notion of re-mythology, the use and re-invention of codes, tales and traditions from a close and distant past is a common denominator. In January 2007 the new programme kicks off with a double series of events:
If I Cant Dance, I Dont Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution
Edition 2: Feminist Legacies and Potentials in Contemporary Art Practice
Performance Programme
January 13 – January 14, 2007
As an agile and experimental curatorial platform focusing on performative practices in visual art, If I Cant Dance departs from a spirit of open questioning and enquiry with artists. This year it looks specifically at the legacies and potentials of feminism in relation to art today. Beginning with the quote of Emma Goldman, the project explores the critical and celebratory implications of this statement.
The second edition of If I Cant Dance (curated by Frederique Bergholtz and Annie Fletcher) had during its phase in Amsterdam different moments and diverse formats of public events, including an exhibition in de Appel – on show until the 7th of January. The project will be concluded with a two day performance programme. The exact programme can be found on
With contributions by: Will Holder, “Recital of Gertrude Stein’s, ‘The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family’s Progress’”; Judith Hopf, ‘What Do You Look Like? Acrypto Demonic Mystery’; Maria Pask & Esther de Vlam, ‘The Birds and the Bees’; Sarah Pierce, “Readings from ‘The Meaning of Greatness’; planningtorock; Sue Tompkins, ‘Grease’; Haegue Yang, ‘Storage Piece’.
Something RAW
Performance programme
January 22 January 27, 2007
de Appel joins hands with Something RAW, the international Dance and Performance Festival in Amsterdam. For this occasion de Appel introduces two site-specific productions:
Nora Heilmann and Amair Perez Galie
Choreographer Nora Heilmann (DE/NL) and dancer Amair Perez Galie (SP) have allied and are preparing a site-specific movement event for the exhibition rooms of de Appel. Heilmann and Galie present the outcome of their project Rupture in space, a translocal dance creation.
My Barbarian
De Appel has invited the Performance troupe My Barbarian (USA), that has been founded in Los Angeles by Alex Segade, Jade Gordon en Malik Gaines. My Barbarian presents Voyage of the White Widow, a site-specific spectacle, a play enacted in the gallery space. My Barbarians meaning of play in this case refers to the totalizing play element of culture theorized by Dutch historian Johann Huizinga so enigmatically in the influential Homo Ludens (1938). By performing a series of entertaining rituals and games, the audience will be invited into the play.
Work Method / Jiri Kovanda
The curatorial collective Work Method (Guillaume Désanges, François Piron with Marie Cantos) presents the one-week exhibition Jiri Kovanda vs The Rest of The World. On this occasion performance artist Jiri Kovanda (CZ) will realise a new intervention reflecting on his presence in absentia during the manifestation Works and Words which de Appel organised in 1979.
All performances take place at de Appel Nieuwe Spiegelstraat 10, Amsterdam t. 31 20 6255651
For details on the performance weekend check and
For updated information on the programme of Something RAW, times, entrance fees and reservations check