6 Cali Performance Festival
25-29 April 2006
A project of the independent artists colective Helena Producciones www.helenaproducciones.org (Wilson Díaz, Ana Maria Millán, Claudia Patricia Sarria, Andrés Sandoval y Juan David Medina). This project is held in Cali-Colombia since 1998.
6 Cali Performance Festival 25 29 April 2006
Alessio Antoniolli, Fernando Arias, Tania Bruguera, Colectivo Cambalache, Teodora Diamantopoulos, Escuela de Esgrima con Machete de Puerto Tejada, Federico Guzmán, GRATIS, Las Malas Amistades, Les Gens d´ Uterpan (Franck Apertet y Annie Vigier), Live Art Development Agency, Caitlin Newton-Broad, Maria Inés Rodríguez, Armando Silva, Silverio y Miki, Virginia Torrente, Vincent Feria
Selected Artists:
Wilfrand Anacona, Natalia Cajiao, Colectivo Estrato Cero, Colectivo Pornomiseria, Des-carrilados, Juan Carlos Dávila, Etienne Demange, El Vicio, Yury Hernando Forero, Carlos Franklin y Claudia Gómez, Boris Marlon Galvis, Pedro Gómez Egaña, Karime García, Beatriz López y Maria Isabel Rueda, Los Impedidos, Mucho Maché,Guillermo Marín, Luis Mondragón, Fabio Melesio Palacios, Agustín Parra, Juan Sebastián Peláez, Alfonso Pérez, Fernando Pertuz, Pope Noveau, Edinson Javier Quiñónez, Carmen Helena Rodríguez, Oskar Romo, Sangre de Palomo, Malcom Smith, Jorge Suzarte y Leandra Plaza, The Rimembers, Fernando Uhia, Rened Darío Varona, Gustavo Villa, Lorena Zúñiga y Martha Posso
The 6 Cali Colombia Performance Festival is a project of the independent artists colective Helena Producciones www.helenaproducciones.org (Wilson Díaz, Ana Maria Millán, Claudia Patricia Sarria, Andrés Sandoval y Juan David Medina). This project is held in Cali-Colombia since 1998.
The Cali Performance Festival celebrates and encourages excellence, risk, creativity, participation and debate through partnership, knowledge, quality, access and education. The Festival promotes symbolic and material communication between the Colombian community, Colombian and international artists, curators, art administrators and artistic networks, generating cultural strategies around art which may have an impact upon our community.
The VI Festival will include 3 exhibition, 3 workshops, public interventions and a performance journey all happening between the 25 and 28 April 2006. These activities, free for the general comunity, will take place in several public, private and independent spaces around the city.
The Festival will be held in Cali, a Colombian city with a very critical situation due to its current run down economy and the proximity of the Colombian Presidential elections which will take place on the 28th of May.
Cali is a tropical city located in the middle of sugar cane fields and refineries related to the influence of the Spanish Colony after the seventeenth century. This postcolonial situation gives the regional culture a special and interesting character.
The VI Performance Festival will be an exciting event for artists, activists, curators, theorists, art administrators, professional networks and the general public, as the local and national context brings together historic, political, geographic, economic and environmental issues that will provide a very interesting scenery for discussion and debate.
Funders and Sponsors:
Prince Claus Fund, Secretaría de Cultura y Turismo de Cali, Feriva, Triangle Art Trust, Centro Cultural Comfandi, ParqueSoft, Embajada de España (Programa Miradas), Cámara de Comercio de Cali, British Council, Gobernación del Valle, Fondo Mixto, Centre dArt Contemporary Bretigny, adami, Casa de América, Triangle France, Doméstico, Lugar a Dudas, Hotel La Luna, Alianza Francesa de Cali.