The latest issue of Bidoun Magazine takes on ICONS.
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Issue 5 features
Vanity Fair columnist Christopher Hitchens on Edward Said
Curator Okwui Enzewor with gallerist Michele Maccarone
Architects Eyal Wiezman with Marcus Miessen
Istanbul Biennial curator Vasif Kortun with artist Secil Yersel
Artist Projects:
Houman Mortazavi
Yto Barrada and Simona Schneider
Hassan Khan
Annabel Mehran
and poster by Rachid Izdaman
The ICONS section, with introduction by George Pendle, includes:
Iranian pop diva, Googooshs biggest fan
The Yacoubian Building, a Cairo apartment building gripped by fame
Spatial politics of the wall in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
The new Iraqi flag
and much more.
Plus our regular features:
News, previews, reviews and products
Film, music, fashion, books, and cooking
Work in Progress, Museums, Curatorial Column, Profile, Travel, the Film Festival Diary and Afterthought
Our new Bidoun Phrase book features Farsi.
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