18 Rencontres Paralleles Video and Visual Art Festival
November 24 to 27, 10 am to midnight
Wharf Centre d’Art Contemporain de Basse-Normandie
Photo : Thierry Geoffroy ‘Race’ 18 Rencontres Paralleles Video and Visual Art Festival
Square du Theatre – Herouville Saint-Clair – France
Herve Perdriolle, artistic director
Florence Dubus, assistant
Ben, Kimsooja, Su-Mei Tse, Living Theatre, Alighiero Boetti, Radical Software, Thierry Geoffroy, Hill Korwa, YOUNG-HAE CHANG HEAVY INDUSTRIES, Jonathan Borofsky, Lydie Jean-dit-Panel, Aero, Hsia-Fei Chang, Brian Eno, Maude Maris, Antoine Lechartier, Thokozani Mthiyane, Michel Nedjar, Michel Onfray, Boreales Digitales.
expositions, installations, programmes videos, cartes blanches, rencontres, performances, concerts.
After 17 years, the Rencontres Video Art Plastique [Video and Visual Art Festival] will henceforth be known as the “Rencontres Paralleles” or “Parallel Cutural Festival”. The parallel between art and video, in particular, and the moving image, in general, will still be the salient factor in this Festival.
Contemporary art, tribal art and folk art, art brut, design, graphic art, artists’ videos, and the documentary are just some of the forms of expression nowadays accessible, in all their diversity and specificity.
An unprecedented access to information means broadening our knowledge and fighting against ignorance and indifference.
The aim of this Festival is to align this diversity in the same space-time frame, while respecting the identity of one and all.
A simple ethical and poetic parallele alignment of the cultures which make up our world.
Herve Perdriolle
Artistic director
Wednesday November 24th
Vernissage / Opening : 18:30
Projection of Ben Vautier’s ‘Non film’
Thursday November 25th
10 h 00 to 11 h 30 : programmation video wharf
11 h 30 to 12 h 30 : carte blanche to Jean-Pascal Vial/Le Mas
12 h 30 to 14 h 15 : pause repas
14 h 15 to 16 h 00 : Michel Nedjar, films and videos
16 h 00 to 16 h 30 : pause
16 h 30 to 17 h 30 : Ben, programmation video
17 h 30 to 19 h 00 : carte blanche a Chantal Soyer
19 h 00 to 20 h 00 : Michel Onfray, presentation of l’Universite populaire
20 h 00 to 21 h 30 : pause repas
21 h 30 to 22 h 15 : Jerome Francois+Appart 126, films and concert
22 h 15 to 24 h 00 : programmation video wharf
Friday November 26th
10 h 00 to 11 h 00 : programmation video wharf
11 h 00 to 12 h 00 : carte blanche a Heure exquise !
12 h 00 to 14 h 00 : pause repas
14 h 00 to 15 h 15 : carte blanche a Marc Mercier
15 h 15 to 16 h 30 : carte blanche a Philippe-Alain Michaud
16 h 30 to 17 h 00 : pause
17 h 00 to 18 h 00 : Ben, programmation video
18 h 00 to 19 h 30 : Living Theatre ‘Resist’, film de Dirk Szuszies
19 h 30 to 21 h 00 : pause repas
21 h 00 to 22 h 30 : Living Theatre ‘Love and Politics’ Happening by Judith Malina and Hanon Rezkinov
22 h 30 to 24 h 00 : carte blanche to Laura Canizares-Meneses, Video to Cuba
Saturday November 27th
10 h 00 to 11 h 00 : programmation video wharf
11 h 00 to 12 h 15 : carte blanche to Unglee
12 h 15 to 14 h 30 : pause repas
14 h 30 to 15 h 30 : Tokho Mtziyane, performance
15 h 30 to 17 h 00 : carte blanche to Christophe Bichon
18 h 30 to 20 h 30 : Tropical Malady
21 h 00 to 24 h 00 : Concerts Boreales Digitales
wharf Centre d’Art Contemporain de Basse-Normandie
BP 59 7 passage de la Poste 14200 Herouville Saint Clair
wharf@noos.fr tel 02 31 95 50 87 fax 02 31 95 37 60