Lyon Biennale 2003
Biennale d’art contemporain de Lyon
3, rue du Président Edouard Herriot
BP 1137 – 69203 Lyon Cedex 01 – France
T. 33 4 72 07 41 41
F. 33 4 72 00 03 13
The Lyon Biennale will run from late September 2003 to early January 2004. For the first time it will enjoy a central, newly renovated location the Sucrière and four additional venues: the Lyon Museum of Contemporary Art, the Villeurbanne Institute of Contemporary Art, the Lyon Fine Arts Museum and the Lyon Rectangle.
Organisation of the Biennale has been in the hands of Thierry Raspail and Thierry Prat since 1991. This time round they’ve opted for working with the team from Consortium, the Dijon contemporary art centre. Consortium directors Xavier Douroux, Franck Gautherot and Eric Troncy have in turn invited three freelance curators: Anne Pontégnie from Brussels, Jan Winkelmann from Leipzig and Robert Nickas from New York.
The objective for 2003
“Fresh experience, but less in the sense of experimentation than of a formal, cognitive experience for the visitor and ultimately the experience offered by artists whose commitment is to creative command.
A mix of artistic generations, with the underlying notion that what is currently being said by many long-time figures on the art scene goes to the heart of immediately contemporary experience.
A view of the creative landscape entailing no emphasis on the eccentric and openly concerned more with individual characteristics than with matters of provenance or identity.
Such are the choices that make a Biennale, where works caught at the “right moment” provide their own right moments for the visitor, and where a quest for internal narrative will encounter the stories and commentaries the exhibition seeks to generate. The Lyon Biennale, then: a stance backed by a few brief words.”
Biennale d’art contemporain de Lyon
3, rue du Président Edouard Herriot
BP 1137 – 69203 Lyon Cedex 01 – France
T. 33 4 72 07 41 41
F. 33 4 72 00 03 13
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